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Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST


I have 2 children with NDIS Plans

(Intellectual disability no MI).

The biggest challenge I have found is being in a regional area finding suitable service providers. Aaaand more to the point services providers who are on the same page with goals and not just seeing NDIS participants as a big crash cow. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

@Adge, I tried DSP 12 years ago but was rejected , not sure to try again but then the specialist said NDIS

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

@TideisTurning I applied for NDIS access primarily to fund my therapy sessions, which due to the severity of my bipolar disability are weekly. I had reports from my tdoc & pdoc but NDIS saw fit to find me for an occupational therapist and speech therapist??? But wouldn't fund my therapy which as I see it is the main help to my disability. Also my plan came back written in "my words" only they weren't my words. There was no mention of bipolar or complex ptsd at all in my plan, yet my application and subsequent letters mentioned these explicitly, they NDIS simply referred to me as having anxiety. But it was written as though I had said it, when I had not. 
I have managed to get 14 therapy sessions funded over two years. Where as I asked for weekly sessions, so 7 sessions a year doesn't cut it. 
I am frustrated beyond belief and about to put in a review. I cannot see the purpose of having over $38,000 in my plan if I cannot use the money where it is most needed. 

BB 🐰💙

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

That sounds like it'd be tough to navigate @Determined. Finding service providers and support professionals who are on the same page as you can be a real challenge!

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

@Oaktree i hear you, frustrating is putting it mildly! 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

I have just a bit of a look and found this resource that supports @Adge's comment around the difference between the NDIS and the DSP: 


Sounds like it has been a bit of a process with Centrelink to work out what you are eligible for @Adge.


I thought I might repost a bit of information I found about applying for the Disability Support Pension in case it is helpful 🙂 There is also this quick "Before claiming" checklist you can run through to assess your eligibility as a starting point

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

Ok, next question for @SandeeLWB

What supports are funded for mental health under the NDIS? 


& for our Community: what effect does your experience of mental health and/or complex mental health issues have on you?


Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

Being in a regional area it can be tricky to find supports but i have found that talking to others in the same situation attending  forums and other media platforms have really helped. Being in a regional area i have found the community organisations  generally are helpful in referring you to services that you need if they are unable. @Determined 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

Hi @Oaktree , Sorry this forum moves so fast ! 

Life Without Barriers have some great support coordinators that can definetly help you with your  reviews , there are many reasons funding could be cut and proving something is reasonable and necessary not a " every day expense " is one of those issues we seem to see a bit of also not knowing what supports are available , support coordinators and recovery coaches are stated items that particiapants are ellidgeable for which is in addition to your other support funds , if you speak to a local area coordinator they should be able to get the funds added to your plan

Re: Topic Tuesday// Life With NDIS// Tues 22nd June, 7-:8:30PM AEST

I find when it comes to NDIS you best to be self managed unless your lucky enough to get a really good plan coordinator. I recently dealt with a coordinator what I'm honestly not sure how she's still working for NDIS I told her every service i wanted to be funded from NDIS for the little person and she wouldn't do any of it then proceeded to cancel services I had put in place she was receiving a large part of the plan yet not doing anything for the client. I'm sure not all are like this but just speaking personally