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Q&A Info Session // The NDIS planning process // 14 - 18 Aug


The actual planning process and conversation with the NDIA takes place after you have approval to access the NDIS.

See our previous events for more information on the NDIS and the access process .


Planning can be a wonderful way to think about what your life might be like into the future and what you might see as some steps to get there. So it's nice to think about these things or have a look at some tools even if you aren’t eligible for the NDIS.

In this weeks Q&A Info session @Former-Member from Mental Illness Fellowship QLD (MIFQ), will be our special guest here to explore with you some hints and tips for the planning process. 


One resource that we will be talking a lot about an AMAZING new website called reimagine today by the Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC).

It’s a wonderful site to find out all the steps of applying and planning for the NDIS and its all about people living with mental illness. There are videos, Q & A’s with people living with mental illness and in general is so wonderfully written!  That’s because people with lived experience were the main contributors.

@Former-Member is looking forward to answering any of your questions again (about planning or anything else NDIS related too)!

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Re: Q&A Info Session // The NDIS planning process // 14 - 18 Aug

Hi everyone, 


Looking forward to spending time with you all this week again.  In general the week is about the planning process.

Step 5 on the reimagine today website that @NikNik mentioned gives a really clear step by step process on choices, assistance you may want or need, future hopes and dreams and reasonable and neccessary supports.


There are a few videos and some really great case studies too, or you can go back and have a look at information about access and eligibility steps.

I really love this website because they use great language because it was made fore people living with mental illness by those with lived experience themselves.

Please don't hesitate to ask any NDIS question, or if you have a plan and want to support others here with some positive advice go for it!


Re: Q&A Info Session // The NDIS planning process // 14 - 18 Aug

Hi @Kateeg84

I hope you dont mind, but I've copied and pasted your previous comments into the most recent NDIS Q & A discussions.

This is all wonderful advice, thank you so much for your perspective.

Here is the workbook you mention,

and here is another one that is also excellent

  Re: Q&A Info Session // Ask your NDIS questions here! // Mon 12 - Fri 16 June [ New ] 
Hey everyone my name is katie and I have some experiences with the NDIS. I have 3 children with autism who are all participants and I applied earlier this year in regards to my mental health illnesses. I will tell you what I know witch is a bit as I'm on social media a lot and I've had to deal with the NDIS for over 2 years for my children. The NDIS is a scheme built to help change the lives of people with disabilities and mental health illnesses. The supports they can put in place help participants have a better chance at living life to their full potential. Ir has a strong focus on choice and control so that the participants can have a say on what they receive and who they choose to go to for the funds that they can be given.

For mental health side of NDIS it's actually officially referred to as Psychosocial.. Not all people with mental health illnesses have fall under this category. In fact there has been only 64000 allowed accepted participants. The supports that you can receive from the NDIS are on a case by case basis. You will only receive funding for something if it's going to have a direct impact on your goals. The first bit of advice I give anyone is go to the NDIS website and check out the price guide for your state. This lists absolutely everything that the NDIS will fund. I strongly urge everyone to get as much evidence of diagnosis and reports from any specialist you see. At the moment it is not made clear enough as far as I am concerned and many others what exactly you need to be granted access. They are able to ask for further information, this can be very time consuming and costly. From the people that I have spoken to the more evidence they presented up front the easier it was for them to be eligible. Once you have proven your eligibility you will get a planning meeting. If you can opt to have one in person. In my experience it's been easier to get across my full story in person than over the phone. It's also important to remember that the planers aren't required to have any previous knowledge of mental health. I know it's hard sometimes to express and explain how we are feeling but it's important to give them your worst case scenario day so they have a better understanding of your needs. You are aloud to have a support person with you at your planning meeting. Prior to the plan I would try and find on the NDIS website a pre planning work book I found this extremely helpful in planning for my boys.
The meeting can be extremely confrontational (I haven't had mine for my mental health yet) but we have to explain our family situation and go into details about things that we don't necessarily always talk about. But try and remember you are doing it to help you get the best support for yourself or person you are caring for. The plans run for 12 months and what you receive is based around what goals you set for the year. It's good to plan at least a minimum of 4. The goals part of the planning process is the most important. If the help you want to receive has nothing to do with the goal you planned then you won't receive it.
Hopefully it doesn't take to long from planning meeting to receiving a plan. Once you get your plan the hardest thing is then choosing the organisations to deliver the program or products as the NDIS don't provide us with this information. Hopefully with every mental health plan they put in funding for what's called a support co ordinator and they help with what's called support co ordination. So they will hopefully be able to tell you what's available in your area for the services you need and help you apply and set up these services. If you are not happy with your plan you can also put in for a review via the NDIS website.
Just because you receive a letter from the NDIS does not mean you are automatically eligible I received one and months later I am still being requested more evidence

Also if you are rejected for not being eligible for the NDIS you are able to get that decision reviewed

Also at anytime with the NDIS if you feel like you need a voice we are allowed to seek out a disability advocate. There are free ones around