Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
05-07-2022 09:28 AM
05-07-2022 09:28 AM
Hello @Anonymoose
We had 2 great threads for you to click on to
I will tag you at the other thread about Adhd xx
05-07-2022 07:20 PM
05-07-2022 07:20 PM
05-07-2022 10:06 PM
05-07-2022 10:06 PM
Hi again @Anonymoose
If you scroll your screen up, do you see a tab labelled Rad The Guidelines Page ? If you click on that, it is not just the Forum Guidelines, it is also an info page.
There are topic headings, and it will help you find life advice sections of the forums.
Here are some posts I have found which include Bipolar in the heading:
Topic Tuesday // World Bipolar Day with Bipolar Australia // Tues 29th March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT
Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar
If you want to chat with any other forum users, type @ and then immediately their user name (no gap between) and it will tag them to your post.
Keep asking questions, here or anywhere else, and forum users or the management team will help guide you to what you are looking for.
You can also call the Sane Helplines
SANE helplines for offline advice.
08-07-2022 03:35 PM
08-07-2022 03:35 PM
Hi, I'm Ali (she/her). I just joined today, having experienced depression pretty much all of my life, I guess as a result of coming from a horribly dysfunctional and abusive family, who I cut off contact with completely about 20 years ago. The depression comes and goes and can be fine for years at a time but sooner or later, it always comes back. The usual trigger is relationship issues, and that is the case this time, having been deeply on love with a friend for a couple of years who doesn't want any more than friendship with me. I have some good friends and am very lucky in many ways but I'm feeling so down and lonely today. I went through a horrible time around Christmas with a huge flare up of the depression. My GP doubled my antidepressant dose and I had a few sessions with online psychologists but that didn't work out too well for practical reasons - not available ongoing. I felt a lot better for a few months and now, back down in the depths again. I'm so tired of feeling like this and of life in general. I'm not sure why I'm here really or whether anything can help, though I would certainly like to be supportive for others going through similar pain if I can.
08-07-2022 03:43 PM - edited 08-07-2022 03:44 PM
08-07-2022 03:43 PM - edited 08-07-2022 03:44 PM
Hi there @Ali23
Welcome to the forums, I'm super glad you found us! I am really sorry your depression has reared its icky head again recently. But it's so great you have shared this little piece of you here as opening up about when we are at our most vulnerable can be so difficult.
I am one of the peer workers here on the forums, my main issue being anxiety. Around Christmas time my anxiety flared up due to health anxiety and my dr also doubled my medication. It didn't really do much so I asked if I could change meds and she hesitated but I insisted (saying it was my choice) and she gave it a try. I feel a lot better on a new medication.
But yep as I'm sure you know, medication is often only part of the puzzle to help recovery so I've also started at a new psychologist. Haven't been yet as they are so hard to get into but have my first appt booked so that's good. Is there a chance you can get into a new psychologist or counsellor? For my psychologists have been a hit and miss but I've connected well to a couple that really helped.
Rest assured you're not alone in how you're feeling. So many of us here understand and are here to listen to you. Keep reaching out and again a big welcome to you!
Hanami 💮
08-07-2022 03:58 PM
08-07-2022 03:58 PM
thank you Hanami and hugs to you too. I'm sorry to hear what you've been through and hope today is a good one for you. Yeah I guess I will have to try again to find a new psych but I hate doing that a lot of the time. When I'm feeling bad it's helpful but hate having to speak to them again because I have an appointment when I'm feeling OK - it just drags me right back down again. btw - could you answer something for me please - when I just searched for my profile to come back online, it had my email address on it - is that normal - and can anyone else see it? I really hope not!
08-07-2022 04:07 PM
08-07-2022 04:07 PM
Oh @Ali23 I completely understand about seeing a new psychologist. I stopped seeing my old one because I'd come out of the appt feeling quite down. My gp really encouraged me to try again so I guess I just have to give it a go. I do hope you get a lot out of the forums here. When I first started working as a peer worker I was surprised at how much sharing my story could help me. Sharing with those who understand and have been through similar things is so powerful - even back by evidence that it helps our recovery journey!
Hanami 💮
09-07-2022 09:07 AM
09-07-2022 09:07 AM
Hi and welcome to the forums @Ali23 👋
10-07-2022 05:29 PM
10-07-2022 05:29 PM
Hi I’m just introducing myself to the forum
I haven’t been involved in a conversation with other people so I’m a little hesitant about getting started re my mental issues
I have my own business that is causing a great deal of stress and some immediate family issues that are constantly on my mind and questioning my mental resilience but I’m asking myself if ??
family are hurting or harming me
10-07-2022 06:24 PM
10-07-2022 06:24 PM
Hey @Nancymiller welcome to the forums. It can be a bit scary getting started but there are so many lovely friendly people on here.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.