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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi, I am trying to get my old psychiatrist to put in a referral to my new doctor but he is reluctant. He hasβ€˜discharged’ me, yet is dragging his feet re referring me on

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi Jan2.

Do you have a case manager that can help get you reconnected with who you are happy with?

We all feel for you as we know that we dont need unnecessary stress.

Please keep us informed.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi all 

Thankk you for welcoming me.

Fun fact.... I've shav.ed my eyebrow off then myates eyebrow who was passed out so our other mate would get the blame.


 I would like help please and hopefully answers. Mine is mental health .. the anxiety, guilt and depression that follows.


I look forward to listening, learning, helping and contributing any way or how

Thanks again and smiles to all



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi there,


I appreciate the outdoors and climb trees for a living.

I’m here to find people who understand and can relate to my condition. Im tired of it and could use some support.


Cheers and looking forward to meeting people.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi mate.

You must be a very clever guy, i  have seen what you can do with trees, also to do this job 

with any sort of illness is amazing.

Welcome and keep in touch, you will get help here but will also help a lot of others.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi All,


Firstly, I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing there personal stories as well as the staff involved with this platform. This is my first time coming across this and I think this is a beautiful platform to allow people to share and learn and to confide in, which is awesome and will help break this stigma of mental health!


I’m currently working through depression and anxiety. For the past few years I’ve suffered from low moods and lack of energy to do anything and only really looked within myself this year to try and discover why I was never feeling happy. 

I would often not have the energy or drive to do anything, never really happy, just existing.


Having been raised by a good family, had good education I often think I haven’t made the best use of my circumstances. Reading and hearing about other peoples circumstances often adds to the guilt I have inside and I’m often fighting a battle with my mind on a daily basis. I’m my own worst enemy and I am regularly negative to myself, and find myself putting obstacles in front of myself which can snowball into really severe low moods.


In my younger years I used a lot of drugs such as marijuana and pills etc for many years and often used to justify it to myself that it helped me. What made it more difficult was that while smoking weed I’d often be a high functioner which led me to use for many years. I would often say to myself I’m funnier, more active when I was under the influence.


Luckily I had the courage to reach out to a therapist and seek the help that I urgently needed. It took me time to reach out after many typed messages I would often delete them, but I thankfully reached out. After some self reflection it’s clear that I was self medicating to help ease my internal pain for the traumas I’ve experienced.


I have been in a long relationship over 8 years and have been cheated on more times that I can count and I’m still currently in that relationship to this day working things out. 

I’ve lived in shame and isolation for many years because of this and cut off most of my friendships because I couldn’t deal with people telling me to leave. My partner has since changed a lot for the better and only once I started to look into myself I realised that she was abused verbally for her whole life by her mother. This doesn’t justify her behavior but gave me an understanding of why she is the way that she is. She did however introduce me to my current therapist and we are still doing relationship therapy together.


On a positive note, having faced into these demons I face, my eyes are now open and I’m aware of these things and I am actively working on putting certain actions in place so I can heal and cope the best I can, Whilst quitting the drugs/vaping and being more open about my struggles has helped me.


I never wanted to talk about these things because I would think I would be weak but I truly believe we need to break this stigma and talk about our issues and this is part of the reason why I wanted to share part of my story here today. Reflecting, people who share their stories I believe are in fact very strong for sharing their stories and it takes a lot of courage to express their vulnerability.


I never really felt anxiety in my earlier years, probably because I would self medicate and dissociate with these feelings, however anxiety is something I battle with daily. Good news is that I’ve learnt ways to help with this, but as you all probably know it’s an ongoing process which will improve with time and practice.


I’ve been working in finance for the past 10 years the high volumes only adds to my anxiety currently and I know now this isn’t a job I want to pursue for the rest of my life. Sure the money is good but I really want to start doing some work I’m passionate about which led me to look into peer work and how I stumbled across this page. 

I think mental health is a really important area that needs to be addressed and it’s really apparent there are many people suffering, I hope and i’m glad there are people such as yourselves who will help break this stigma one day and help improve peoples lives for the better.


Lastly, I’d like to add that it was really helpful to me to open up to my family about the depression I was facing. It actually led me to understand my father also suffered from depression in his years and led to conversations around traumas he had faced and still facing with his father. 

I think it’s really important to have support systems in place to help us with our journey. We are not alone! 

Thanks again for reading my story and look forward to us all recovering from this! 






Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi Everyone,


It's taking an awful lot of courage to try to reach out and get some support right now. I have anxiety and depression. Each day feels a struggle. I am embarassed by my introverted and reserved nature. I just want to find support. I have a loving and supportive partner who understands I am not well. My family have no contact ever, as through my situation which is quite complicated. I have no other supports to discuss my problems with, being mainly poor motivation, low mood and anxiety. I hope to improve my interactions with others on here but as I have had a lifetime of judgement recently I'm struggling to be open and resilient. Thankyou for understanding. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Paulette


Firstly, just wanted to call out your courage and coming forward and voicing how you feel! That’s a great first step and often the hardest.


I read your post and it felt like you were writing my story. I’m working through my depression and anxiety just like you and understand how it can feel like a struggle just to have the motivation to get through the day. 

what I will say is that you are not alone and as mentioned it’s really admirable that you spoke up about how you’re feeling and there is no shame in that. 

What helped me was to speak to a therapist who I could talk with as well as be my voice of reason to help traverse through this mental health maze. I’m still not where I want to be, but looking back it’s been the best decision I made to reach out for help and I’ve come a long way.


Just from my personal experience, I found with my anxiety, there isn’t a one thing that just makes it disappear. I’ve just learnt how to manage it better.


some tools in the toolbox that helped me,

sleeping earlier (get a good nights rest) my mind would be more likely to be anxious when was I was tired and irritable, go for exercise/walks in the sun, some deep breathing and meditation (Sarah Edelman on Spotify)


These might work for you or not but just wanted to share a few things that helped me at times.


personally when I was really anxious I felt powerless and overwhelmed and so much nervous energy and hated the feeling, only later once it subsided I could take the time to reflect on those feelings and actually ask myself what was I getting worried about? What’s the worst that can happen? 
I found it often wouldn’t be as bad as I imagined it to be after talking it out with my partner or therapist.


anyway @Paulette i would really recommend speaking to someone about this, cos we all need support in our journeys 😊


we’ll get through this!






Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi Domo87,

Thankyou very much for your support. I do meditate as it does help me to feel calm. I can't afford a Psychologist as I am a low wage earner. I am in the process of getting the support of a mentor trained in Mental Health.  I am also trying to exercise when I am not working. I appreciate your advice. I feel better knowing I have support on this site. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Paulette,

Welcome to the forums. My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE. I know that it can be very difficult for some people to reach out and share a bit of themselves - I really applaud you for this. Please know that the forums are a safe, anonymous place to share. There are many lovely forum members on here that have a lot of lived experience and wisdom to share.

Please don't be embarrassed about who you are - we are all unique and different and that's what makes the world interesting. It would be a boring old place if we were all extroverts and talkative for instance - from my experience a lot of people that are introverts and reserved are very observant and great to chat with. 

I have suffered from low mood and anxiety over the years. With a lot of practice and time I have learnt to become more resilient and open - it doesn't come easy, but it is something you can teach yourself. I really believe in treating and encouraging yourself the way you would treat your best friend. For example, I wouldn't stand by and watch someone say something mean to my best friend - I would stand up for her. When I started to think this way it gave me more courage and justification to stand up for myself and be more resilient.

It is really lovely to have you here @Paulette - please know that you are amongst friends here.

Best wishes,
