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Lil Update

Today I get a referral to see a psychologist. I am a bit better. But not out of the woods. I was on a website that caused a bit of anxiety and have vowed not to do things that are seemly toxic to me. 

Good new is that I am 3 days off the alcohol and last night I finally started to sleep ok.  Got alot to do to day so that'll stop me from going crazy.


Re: Lil Update

that's really great to hear. I think it shows how strong you are that you were able to realise that the site was causing anxiety and are taking steps to protect yourself from that 🙂 and 3 days sober is fantastic, you may have your ups and downs but we believe that you can do it.
When starting with a new psychologist, always remember that you have the power in that relationship, never be afraid to say after a couple or even just one session that you are not meshing with this person and would like to try someone else, the psychologist won't (or shouldnt) be offended; and if their approach isn't working just tell them, maybe they can try a different approach that would work for you better or recommend a different kind of therapy (there's not just one, CBT is the most common, but there is also DBT, psychodynamic, schema etc. - so if one doesn't work don't lose hope and many psychologists use a combination). And take it as slow or as fast as you feel comfortable with.  I wish you all the best.

Not applicable

Re: Lil Update

Hello @TheJuZShoW

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your recent update. It is incredibly inspiring to witness others take big steps in their own recovery. 

I have been in recovery from alcohol abuse for 9 years. I would like to acknowledge how amazing it is that you have 3 days sobriety up, that is an incredible achievement. Sobriety has been challenging however the best thing that ever happened to me. I now experience true joy and connection in life. It is not easy but it is worth it.

I am wishing you all the best with the new psychologist and the new chapter ahead!

ButterflyBeauty 🙂