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Re: depressed AND manic

@tabby I've sewed in the middle of the night. Its noisy but everyone pops out for a chat as the night progresses.
mummy what are you doing up?
Can't you sleep again mum?
If you feel that energetic do you want to do the gardening ( yeah thanx love at 3am)

we must all need some kind of domesticity or something to help us cope??!?
*sigh* is 2am again. I am having a lot of trouble sorting this mania out for the last 4 weeks. I think it's the mental prepping for christmas - there is just so much stuff I don't want to forget for the kids sake.

@JT I asm sooo glad you got your pain meds sorted. it is so exhausting being injured ams being in pain. I have had an injury for 8 weeks and my girls and I were so excited when I was walking on the sand in the weekend. Never thought I would appreciate it do much.

Re: depressed AND manic

Im glad you can relate uggboot diva , and I can relate to you, I do other things on the domestic side as well but I wont get into it now. I have always been very private with my mental health symptoms, years ago I had a bad breakdown and I knew I was not well but couldnt get the help then it started inpact on me physically when I became under weight , lost hair and looked like id been rolled up in the bottom of the Cupboard, I have never got over it I dont think and now just hiting lots of bumps and I think now it has turned another ddirection like the fast and furious, I find out next week what the story is, take care everone

Re: depressed AND manic

Dear @Uggbootdiva & @tabby 

 I've been a bit off the air lately with my own stuff going on, but have been keeping half an eye on the forum. I haven't seen anything from either of you since these posts a couple of weeks ago. I truly hope you are both travelling ok, and that you take this time of the year gently - it can get horribly frenetic which is most unhelpful to MIs. @Uggbootdiva I know it is hard but your kids would probably be happier with less stuff and more you - please don't make yourself sick(er?) trying to make Christmas perfect.

Kindest regards,


Re: depressed AND manic

Thankyou Kristin you are so sweet, remember to look after yourself also

Re: depressed AND manic

Kristin, right on. Uggbootdiva, if you are not a wizard don't attempt wizardry all you will do is hurt yourself.

Re: depressed AND manic

@kristin good grief you have read me wrong if you think I try to make Christmas perfect!! I agree with @Loopy if you aint a wizard...

but thanks so much for kind thoughts both of you.
I think I was 12 when I finally realized Christmas is never going to be a catalog picture.

I have been busy as the school.calendar gets v. busy and my kids are at different schools and I don't think it's necessary for me to attend the Carol service, the graduate 2nd class, or the grandparent lunch (eso. add I am not a grandparent) but the other child Is leaving year 6 so that is a big deal.

Also had a death in the immediate family so have been very emotionally tired. so I have been lurking and reading posts but not necc. In a place to share thoughts. It's a bipolar thing. on again off again.

How you are all well. I have quite enjoyed @jtanother47yrold and @Loopy convo. I love the support you are for each other.

Re: depressed AND manic

Hey @Uggbootdiva 

I am glad to hear you are ok. I must have misinterpreted something you said about Xmas in an earlier post. You sound like me in December - jettison everything in the diary which is not absolutely necessary. Having said that I had 3 kids in transition last year (1 to prep, 1 to high school, 1 to an apprenticeship or VCAL). It was a nightmare. Much quieter this year thank God!

I'm so sorry to hear of the death in your family - that is terribly hard at any time of year, especially so when there are "special" ocassions coming up where the loss is more noticable (it can feel like extra salt in the wound). I hope you all manage to acknowledge the loss openly and support each other. It can be exhausting I know.

I quite understand the "lurking & reading", as it's what I do when I'm here but too overwhelmed to post.

I'm going through a bit of family hell myself, with the limited exteneded family I have left.

I have also been enjoying the wonderful support that @PeppiPatty & @Loopy are giving each other. (You two are beatuiful people.)

Take care, blessings of the season ( and peace!)

Kindest regards,


Re: depressed AND manic


Thinking about you. Remembering kids at school.....what also is happening for you.

My only regret..." that I pulled myself apart for everyone and when I went to Psychotherapy....yes....twice per week, I would go in there and rip my poor Psychotherapist apart. That Psychotherapist....hmmmmmm. But saved me from a drinking illegal injection history.

I'm sure can speak for others ... but your cared for here.

Re: depressed AND manic

Uggbootdiva , in the past 7-8 years both my parents died, my dad was my best mate and mum my best girl. Even at my age I still say I want my mum and dad back, I need their help and guidance and honest opinion, but I guess all I can do is continue to talk to them both at night. The wonderful thing about this forum is you can say  and express your inner most feelings without fear of ridicule or rejection. My condolences are with you, be strong.


Re: depressed AND manic

Uggbootdiva I think that s time of year is sooo stressful for everyone.. Parents worrying about how, where,who for Christmas, worrying about how to not get into debt over Christmas, kids worrying about finishing school and hoping for a good school report, grandparents hoping to see grandchildren, siblings at any age wanting to get along..and we wonder why we struggle?

So this gal, I am deliberately slowing down....and not shopping excessively..spending money does not equal secret Christmas wish and I hope I get afternoon nap after lunch on Christmas Day!