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Re: confused about sexuality

hi everyone im wondering if someone could help me.. @utopia@Mazarita@Shaz51


im not complaining about getting like for posts but it seems to be over riding my inbox it there a way to just reduce the emails for the likes but still get the notifications when i log on and also still get emails to say when people have commented on my threads or threads im following?

Not applicable

Re: confused about sexuality


i am sorry i cannot remember what i did.

someone who is more computer savvy will be along shortfully

@Shaz51 @utopia @CheerBear @Former-Member

one of these might be able to help

Re: confused about sexuality

Not sure @Former-Member, @unknown xx

@NikNik, @CherryBomb might remember

Re: confused about sexuality

Hey @unknown. If you log on to the desktop site you'll be able to manage your notifications by clicking your name and using the settings for email and notifications there. I use mostly mobile so I switch my phone into desktop mode often, but it's definitely easier using the full site. Hope that helps?

Re: confused about sexuality

Hi there @unknown

Here are the instructions to change your subscriptions. I personally, have changed my 'likes' notification to 1 daily email which contains the info on all the likes I received that day. 

I hope this helps!

How can I change the notifications I get?

To change your notifications settings:

  1. make sure you’re logged in on the desktop or tablet version of the Forums
  2. go to your profile by clicking on your username near the top right corner of the screen
  3. click 'edit my settings' in the blue box
  4. select ‘Subscriptions & notifications’
  5. select ‘Notification settings’
  6. change your settings
  7. select ‘Save’.

You can find more 'How to's here

Re: confused about sexuality

great thank you @NikNik

and everyone for helping too 🙂 @CheerBear@Shaz51@Former-Member@utopia