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Seeing a New psychiatrist

Hi everyone.

So im going to see a new psychiatrist next week and im so nervous about it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can cope until then because the closer it get the more stressed i will get. I just dont want to do anything silly like drinking or self harming.

And also, does anyone have any suggestions about what i could ask when im there , that could help me because i know when i get there, i will shut down. I could write them them down so i dont forget.

Im paying alot of money to see her for an hour so want to try and make it worth while.

Thanks everyone.

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Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

i always over think things like this @Bubbles3 especially with an extended wait before hand. Is there any way of telling yourself or limiting yourself on how much you will think about it? I used to try to have a 'worry hour' where i would let myself think about all the things that were going on for that hour and then tell myself that time was up. have gotten out of the practice of doing it these days... it wasnt always sucessful either... but did help at times.
Writing down the things that are most important to you might be a good idea, what you want to get out of your time, short term, long term etc...?
good luck @Bubbles3
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Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

Hi @Bubbles3

I can understand how scary it must be for you. Can you find things to distract yourself? I agree that writing things down is helpful, you could also just write a letter, then you don't have to talk and just sit in the awkward silence while the psychiatrist reads (I don't know what I hate more, speaking or sitting there waiting).

Have you seen a psychiatrist before? What makes you specifically nervous about the visit? Did you get a referral from your GP? My GP wrote an extensive referral when I changed psychiatrists so I wouldn't have to go through the same traumatic experiences as with my first paychiatrist. Perhaps book in with your GP and ask for that?

And keep chatting on here and sharing how you feel.

Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

I tried the worry hour @Former-Member but that doesnt help. Thanks though.
Maybe i should write a letter @Former-Member . Then i dont have to explain my story again and again. Thanks

The other bad part about it, is after the appointment. Thats when it hits me hard. Thats when things go wrong for me. I really go down hill.
I have seen a psychiatrist before but they have all been men @Former-Member. And i hate men. This time its a female so that might help.
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Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist


Writing a letter is a possibility. Perhaps you could also say in the letter what you didn't like about your previous psychiatrists, apart from them being men, and mention that you struggle with the time after the appointment.

Can you make a plan for after the session? What do you like doing? When I'm distressed after a session I go to the toy section and look at all the colours and toys for ages and I walk through shopping centres because even I don't feel part of it, i can see the world moving around me, it helps me with the feeling that time hasn't stopped. If you have a friend, that you trust, catch up for coffee or have a call. Before I found my own coping mechanisms, I used to see my GP, pretty much for a debrief, the day after every session with my first horrible psychiatrist. Looking back now, I understand he was doing psychotherapy with me, but I didn't trust him and was completely traumatised after every session. I still hate him with a passion now.

Try to make a plan before the session as well. Treat yourself to a nice breakfast, even if you just make porridge at home and decorate it with strawberries and make it look nice. Take something comforting with you. I don't mind anymore to take a cuddly toy with me if I feel like I have a hard session ahead. You might be very different, I just find comfort in anything childish. I also called Sane the first time I met my current psychiatrist, who I trust now. It helped me to talk to someone at Sane who could just listen and help me get enough confidence to actually go in.

Keep talking here if it helps you get through the week, waiting is always the worst part!

Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

Good ideas @Former-Member . Thanks

Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

So i have been trying to writte a letter to the psych and its really hard. Especially talking about the voices and my past. But i think im get there. So i have 4 and half days to go and getting really anxious.
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Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

Hi @Bubbles3

That's a great start. What do you enjoy doing? Can you have a rest now and do something you enjoy and then do a little more on your letter tomorrow or the day after?

Or have you finished the letter? When I finish a particularly difficult letter I put it in an envelope, so I don't need to look at it again.

Try to do something that you enjoy. Have a rest, watch some telly, go for a walk, what do you enjoy?

Re: Seeing a New psychiatrist

I do have to go shopping. I try not to look at it all the time but when i remember things i have to write them down before i forget. Thanks @Former-Member