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Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

My wife is newly diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. She is convinsed that I treat her awful and talk down to her and belittle her. We are constantly fighting and I am always saying I'm sorry for things that I haven't done wrong. How can I get her to see that maybe that is not what is really happening?



Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

@Crkirby69 Hi Crkirby69 and welcome to the forums.  I have bipolar and schizoaffective disorder and yes your wife could/would be experiencing what you say and more. Has she got a good psychiatrist and psychologist? These people plus the right medications are vital. I should also add it has taken me over a year to feel half way normal with these interventions in place so you are only at the beginning of the journey. Don't give up there is light at the end of the tunnel remember is is not your wife but the mi. greenpea

Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

Thank you๐Ÿ˜€

She has a great psychiatrist and psychologist thank God.

Her psychiatrist has started tweaking her meds.


Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

@Crkirby69 great ๐Ÿ™‚ news on psychiatrist. As long as she stays on the meds given time the symptoms should settle (staying on the meds is the key). Just take care of yourself as well during this period as being a carer can be super stressful (I am also a carer of my son). We have some great threads going on on the forums which you might like to get in touch with as you are definately not alone and we are here in the same boat so to speak, greenpea

Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

I would agree that staying on meds is also important. Is she well day to day or is she unwell? 

Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

@Lilyq, don`t forget the @ in front of @Crkirby69, so they can get your message xxx


Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

The problem is that she also had neck surgery in June and she is still on pain meds. She believes that she has done something to her neck and she is still in constant pain. The Dr. has done x-rays and found nothing wrong. I feel like she is over medicating and it makes her mean. She got mad at me the other day and threw her wedding rings at me and then she slapped me hard. 2 times. She says horrible things to me.  I have a hard time believing setimes that it is just her disorder. She is not taking her meds the way she is supposed to and if I tell her that I gave them to her and she doesn't remember then I'm lying. She has a counselor but I don't believe the counselor knows what's really going on. She can put up a normal front for people for awhile and people don't think anything is wrong with her. She mentally abuses me but there is nothing I can do about it. I just started counseling and we just also started couples counseling. It's almost like she doesn't want to know about her disorder because then she would have to be accountable for her actions. Sorry to vent.

Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

When do I need to use @Crkirby69?

Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?


When you put an @ in front of a persons name it tags them and they get a message that you have replied.


Both pain and pain meds can have an effect on a patient's mood, my husband had a terrible reaction to some pain meds given to him post surgery. 


Neck surgery is major and recovery can be slow, without the added burden of mental illness and I suspect you wife would be feeling frustrated in relation to this.  (Xrays do not always show a cause for the patients pain.)


When our loved ones are both mentally and physically unwell it can be challenging. Showing love, patience and tenderness is often an intentional choice.  


Learning what I could and having an understanding of what was happening by learning about mental illness and the surgical procedure made a difference.  Being aware of possible complications that could arise due to MI in relation to his surgery made a difference too (there are well documented poorer outcomes).  I do note however the diagnosis came after the surgery in your case.


Letting Mr Darcy know that I am on his team, actively listening to him,  encouraging him and advocating for him made a huge difference to us. 


Re: Can schizoaffective disorder make someone feel like people are against them?

Hi @greenpea

Do the meds settle? my daughter was diagnosed in July this year, with Schizo affective and probable BPD. 


She is trying to make medication changes at the moment and has ended back up in the local public hospital.

We like her private psychiatrist and it took us many months to find him.

He listened to my daughter and made changes which is important for her.

Unfortunately back in the public system at midninght last night and already the plan made by her private psych is being ignored.

My daughter as well as struggling is devastated that she is not being listened too.

Since May this year she has had seven admissions, two involuntary and only been home for four weeks. 

thanks for listening.