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Re: Thought provoking article about ECT (TW: suicide, medical procedures)

What an interesting article. I too find myself getting wondering if my cynicism gets the best of me thought. 


It seems like so many of us have different experiences with ECT. But from everyones posts, it seems like there are a few common themes

  • There is a strong history of forced treatment or treatment where patients aren't given all the info
  • Everyone should have a choice in the treatment they receive (which hasn't always happened, and thats so unfair and wrong)
  • Conversations of lived experience of ECT (and other treatments) are crucial to ensure we get trusted info on treatments and experiences, as so many of us don't trust the medical establishment. 

And at the end of the day, everyone is different and and should be empowered to chose their treatments based on real, genuine information ❤️ 


If anyone reading at home is thinking of ECT, make sure you get info from trusted sources, including those who've experienced ECT