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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @CherryBomb 😊💜

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi again .... 😏

Popped out to pick up S2 ....

Sounds like you're pulling a few pieces together @Former-Member, with a bit of feedback from some of us .... it's that jigsaw-puzzle oriented mind of yours, y'know ..... part of wanting to solve everything .... and now .... I'm just guessing here but you have probably got a bit of an information overload when there is a lot going on cos you feel the need to examine or explore it all and work out it's workings ... missing pieces .... how things might slot together .....

I reckon there are a few of us here with seriously enquiring minds .... and the trick with management is how to turn the volume down so the system doesn't crash .....

Anyone else relate ??

Maybe cos my baby dragons are like that too, and maybe that was me too, my mum was big on wind-down technique with my kids .... not rigid have-to's .... just strategies like we pass around to each other here, but learning it from the cradle .... bath .... dim the lights .... warm drink .... comfy jammies ....

Guess that's why pyjama days work so well as a circuit-breaker .... sorta like taking a whole day out for emotional detox or something ....

Does that help ?

🌷💜 🎼


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @Faith-and-Hope it makes so much sense and you are so right. I am so intense at the moment driving me and probably everyone on the forum nuts. I have a mind that needs the brakes applied at least twice a day at the moment. I've already SOS my therapist tonight to give her heads up that there is lots in my brain that I need to work out in my appointment on Monday. I'm seriously on overload and the warning lights are all lit up like a Christmas tree. I feel so directionless currently. Anyway thank you so much for your support. I greatly appreciate your level head right now. Luckily my mood is pretty good so the fallout might not be too bad. 💜😊

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

..haha @CherryBomb 54 in 3 weeks lol just a big kid with barnacles of Life attachedCat Tongue lol 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Maybe jot down some headings @Former-Member ..... ?

That's something I do when my head is fit to burst with information overload ..... like I'm going to drop something cos I can't carry it all .... just jotting the headings down is like growing some extra octopus arms .... re-reading the headings is enough to open the whole mental window and not reading them keeps the window closed till I'm ready .... not so tired or overwhelmed, or whatever the reason for using the "extension" onto paper ....

It makes it easier to sign off for a while ... 😊


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Think I'm starting to wind down a bit now @Faith-and-Hope.  First exhausted yawns . I've been holding stuff going round and around since Tuesday when I first posed it to Silenus on the writing thread which you responded to as well. I will have to become disciplined at writing this down to try and get it out of my head. My default urges have been flashing at me on and off for days wanting to switch my brain off which is why I'm glad my mood has been good (possibly due to taking medication as prescribed🤔) because it's been easy to dispel the urges. Anyway thanks again 💜😊💐

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I so understand @BlueBay


Often I read here that women have to think up what to have for dinner - I actually used to do all that on Friday and Saturday and had frozen stuff already prepared - casseroles etc - and otherwise it was often chops, steak or sausages with vegetables


I used to feel snaky when I got home later than him and found the vegetables already cut up in pots on the stove had not been turned on - what was wrong with him - for years I had two jobs - I get it - I understand - I guess it's because their mothers did all the cooking but their mothers probably did not work




Rant away @BlueBay - we all need to rant sometimes



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

..when my sister was in a down moment years ago, she told me that years before her then new hubby stated just after becoming married that 'at least he won't have to go shopping at supermarket with her anymore' ... @Decadian

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

um @TAB


Are you saying that your sister's new husband thought he would not have to go shopping with her now they were married? - or go by himself?


My mother did all the shopping and cooking - our grandmother lived with us and I know she did a lot too


Dad didn't - when I was growing up I wasn't expected to do much either and my ex was lazy and no doubt thought he didn't have to cook either


But I was different to both our mothers - I worked too - I went straight back to work - and earned more than my husband - so it was up to him to do his share around the house


But he didn't see it that way - and seeing as I use the word ex-husband it means it didn't last


imo - if the wife works - the man does some work around the house -


To me that's fair





Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes, it's fair. They got married nearly 30 years ago, I may have confused it by saying 'new at time' .. and he had and still has uber Bulgarian mother, so spoiled beyond spoiled and yes he did state that he thought he would never have to go shopping With my sister after ring was on finger .. and yes, me being me, used to stir the pot and dob him in for his mama giving him a plate of fried eggs before he went home to sis for tea Cat Tongue ah it's a Cat's Life lol @Decadian sis is a very strong woman ..only just started flexing her muscles last few years , as she is now pretty much financially independent, mind sharp as a tack, and memory like an elephant lol ..hubby had better behave lol ..power balance has way shifted .. Smiley Happy