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Re: The Beer Garden

I should've said, it doesn't always work, but does mostly. @TAB 😊
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Re: The Beer Garden

Oh yummo! @Former-Member..nice move.
I went to ortho then thought we'd do a little Xmas shopping. Came home with no shopping except for new bathers!!
My little man and I enjoyed sushi for lunch, and I actually started to feel chrismassy listening to all the crappie music plus a stop by my favorite renegade clothes store! He,he 😁
Found an awesome crop hoodie but didnt buy!
But expensive. Am tempted to go back!!!

Crappie's because they work in a boring job Bridge. Could u imagine. I'd be going stir crazy as a teller.
I'd talk too much to people to compensate!
Tonight it's pizza! Night off cooking.
Better go pick them up...YUM..😁

@TAB...u are sounding far too wise of late!! Lol

Re: The Beer Garden

you;re sounding way more upbeat @Former-Member Cat Tongue yeah if wise is self reflective cos in weird situations or feeling off der lol gotta go out, see u when get back

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Re: The Beer Garden

Oh @Former-Member, now I want pizza. 😮😀

Can I be bothered driving to get some? Maybe.
I like Eagle Boys the best. Not very healthy, but who cares. 😂

My girl gets her braces off soon.
When do you get yours off?

What did you think of the house @TAB? 🏡

Re: The Beer Garden

yum, did someone say Pizza xx

Hello @Former-Member, @TAB, @Former-Member, @Kurra, @Decadian

how is everyone ??

when is everyone`s birthday xx

Re: The Beer Garden

got the house. its private. its good. @Former-Member

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Re: The Beer Garden

Pizza was yum. Can't believe I left two pieces from a large! Lol...was so hungry! 😁..
I reckon u need a night off @Former-Member..definitely pizza night.
You too @TAB...celebrations for your new digs! 🙌🍻👏
@Shaz51..seriously do we need an excuse...nope!!
Ohh braces...god knows I had to go back a wire as a tooth moved due to bracket opening up.
I was too rough on them!!
Sigh...well I'm getting some clothes listed on eBay..make some extra cash for Xmas.
🌲🍒🙌🎆💰 ho,ho,ho!!!

Re: The Beer Garden

... trust it was gluten free then @Former-Member lol .. girl's back .. in th' house are sounding good!Smiley Happy happy for you .. yes, celebrations starting slowly here ..Cat Tongue

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Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Shaz51 💕Did you work today?

Oh that's great @TAB When do you move in? 🏠 Tell us about it? 😀

I decided I didn't feel like driving to get pizza @Former-Member. 20mins there, 20mins back. Nah! Had salmon and salad instead. Probably make piklets later.

Re: The Beer Garden

its very flexible sounds re moving in. Woman have been talking to just lives there, had no clue, but rents it from a mate who moved to NSW. Its an older house with smallish rooms, neat small back yard, evap aircon on roof, got a bathtub spending lots time in there lol ..big back verandah, and have told her will buy her stuff she wants to leave ie leather look lounge, side by side fridge freezer, drier, washingmachine, 2 double beds, outdoor table settings, coffee table etc etc even crockery, bout all will need is a tv lol oh and sheets and stuff @Former-Member and its way closer to shops than here, so can walk to them Smiley Happy