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Re: The Beer Garden

It was 34 degrees here today @Former-Member

Wished it was 22 xoxo

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Nice change of avatar @Former-Member. Yes I agree with getting stuck with the mud. For me I don't feel it as pain but more as a feeling of losing control of my mind.

Re: The Beer Garden

Good night @utopia, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Decadian

see you tomorrow xx

see if i can fall asleep now

Re: The Beer Garden

Goodnight @Shaz51. I too am going to bed.

Re: The Beer Garden

@Decadian. Good to catch up again. I'm ddoing okay with the passing. I still cry sometimes, especially when I forget she died and I'm expecting to see her.
More worried about my results. And at this time of year - an urgent request is likely to turn into March next year. Doesn't help my anxiety at all.
The semi local tribe know from looking that the soot on the walls indicate at least 2000 years of burning. An archeologist will be going to the site to determine the exact age.
If you have an interest, I say go for it. Rather than stepping on your sons birth mother toes - you are honouring your son. I think he would like that. Especially if he was unable to do it during his short life.
I call the ancestors of my local area - my ancestors. I don't have a problem with this - because I respect them and the land, when I go to the mountains. And by learning as much as I can about their history - I can share that knowledge with others.
@Former-Member. We have a beautiful native lily, called the Chocolate Lily that has a beautiful purple flower & smells like chocolate - hence it's name.
Well guys, I'm off to hit the brain anatomy books - before going to sleep.
Hope to talk to you all again tomorrow.

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi everyone ....

Bedtime over here just now .... was a really busy day, but I could see the emails stacking up in my Inbox, so there was a lot of activity goin' on in the threads I frequent today .... keeps y'all in my thoughts, even when I'm not posting ....

@Former-Member ... you asked a question back there about posts that worry you ....

In the box that each post is posted, there is a link on the bottom left corner called "report inappropriate content" .... if you click on that and mention your concern about that post, one of the mods will check it out and take action if they feel it is deemed necessary .... they are likely to drop you an email too (not always tho) to reassure you or communicate something about it, or they might just jump into the thread themselves and comment to the group posting there.


Re: The Beer Garden

Hi all.  @Faith-and-Hope  @Shaz51  @Former-Member  and others ... Well it's official - I am ready for the removalist to come tomorrow.  That deserves celebration.  Barkeep can I have a wee drambui over ice please, with a glass of water on the side.

Re: The Beer Garden

can I have a wee drambui over ice please, with a glass of water on the side.-- here you go @eth xoxo

I think i will have a glass of red wine , that will be nice xx

Re: The Beer Garden

..doing a backhanded pour of CarltonDraught here to cooldown ..stillmid 30s here 8.30pm lol  ..and well place seems to be empty ..

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

22 here @TAB and my son is complaining its too hot.