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Re: Night Shift

Yes!!! I just googled it!! And it is coming back!!! Yay I loooooved that show! Ooh wow 2016 is looking better lol
So glad your dinner went well, I hope that each time we get through the anxiety and go do the things that we're falsely terrified of it will make us stronger and hopefully easier over time to keep beating down the anxiety
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Re: Night Shift

Holy moly @PeppiPatty if u know what I'm thinking we're both in trouble (jokes)!! I like Gordon Ramsey's show too, and the x files lol looking forward to that this year too!

Re: Night Shift

Saw a brilliant older episode of X-Files recently. Watched the first episode of a Netflix series on my friend's computer today called 'Grace and Frankie'. That was great too and I'll be watching more of that via her. Cat Happy

Re: Night Shift

okay pkay you two jettsetters
@Maritza and @Former-Member Im too busy eunning around my unit checking under tables, cupboards and the fridge that @Shaz51 mother's snake hasn't crpssed states and come to visit me to watch 80s hype like x files xxx

Re: Night Shift

Went to bed just before midnight and woke up alert at 4.30am. That was about half an hour ago. It seems at the moment I'm either going to bed around this time or waking up then! Will probably go back to bed soon to see if I can get a couple of hours sleep before I meet with my new support worker later this morning. A bit hyped up about that, in a mostly good way.

Haha, @PeppiPatty, jetsetters. I'm scared of flying these days! The X-Files is '80s hype'? Lol. Cat Tongue

@Billamba Great you got to the dinner, that it was okay, and you had that lovely phone call. Cat Very Happy

Hope today treats everyone well. Heart


Re: Night Shift

Hi Billamba   , @PeppiPatty, @Mazarita, @Former-Member, @Former-Member

Everything is good , the snake catcher took it away , today i went and washed mum`s car , gave the cat a big nurse , watered the pot plants , and hubby is out mowing and is now asleep

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Re: Night Shift

Thanks gals... Heart

Yes @Billamba very excited Offspring is coming back!! Smiley LOL We have seasons 1-3 on dvd. We are currently watching season 1. Another show that had a break in 2015 - Rake - is also coming back this year!! Smiley LOL Very excited about that too - I brought the box set (season 1-3) for my partner for xmas. We have watched it already! 

I'm glad you enjoyed your catch-up @Billamba + got the nice phone call Smiley Happy

Another hot day - I feel like reading, but I like reading in bed & the bedroom is too hot.... (not good sleep hygiene I know... Smiley Embarassed)

Went for a run/walk etc this morning... Smiley Happy

Feel okay at the moment - a bit low, but okay (if that makes sense), but mood seems to be worse in the evenings at the moment (as well as heightened anxiety)... I see my psychologist tomorrow & catching up with a friend as well. 


Anna Heart

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Re: Night Shift

Hi Anna i hope this evening goes ok for you. We have had a hot day here and sleep is going to b difficult I think.
Glad you're going ok and hope your psychologist appt goes well.

I saw my psychologist for first time in a while (although we've been emailing). She was really happy with how I'm going and was saying how proud she is of all the positive changes I've been make happen. Usually I'd shrug off any 'nice' comments and whatnot but it's nice to make some progress that is visible 😉

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Re: Night Shift

Hi @Former-Member...
Mood started to go really downhill at about 3pm + increased anxiety. I was just laying on the couch with 3 fans on me. My sister rang me at 4 & we spoke for 40min. I mainly just let her talk though. I didn't want to burden her. She has post natal depression - her eldest has speech & language difficulties & her baby needs an eye operation. Her husband (who I'm scared of) is out of work again & has arthritis now even though he is only 36. Anyhow, now I'm feeling paranoid that my sister wants me to play happy families & just get over my fear of him & my 'mother in law' I felt did a similar thing today - she was talking about her partner (they are not married, so I don't refer to him as father in law...) & telling us how he thought she was going to get sick, because she eats a vegan diet. My partner said he was ignorant & dumb (he has had to put up with him for 21 years) so anyhow, she starts defending him & included "he only drinks two cans a night now" in her argument... So I felt like she was really saying - get over it - he isn't an alcoholic - stop ignoring him (she had a big emotional outburst to my partner on boxing day about how he is upset that we ignore him & my partner is rude - he probably said I was rude too... But she didn't say that to my partner. I discussed this with health professionals in the past - feeling rude because it his home - even though he doesn't own it or pay the rates etc & how communication causes me too much stress... Even walking past him causes heightened anxiety...) sorry I'm blabbering & probably not making any sense... Basically paranoid people are telling me to get over my fears - snap out of it & I don't think I can ever do that... & I know someone will say why don't we move ~ because we can't afford to while my partner is my carer & I'm suicidal to some degree daily (moderators I am safe - my partner does a good job of keeping me safe...not that I always want that...) Anyhow, enough of me - good thing that I am seeing a mental health professional tomorrow.

I'm really glad that your psychologist session went well @Former-Member & you were able to accept the encouragement ~ I'm really hoping you flourish when you go back to work (hope you get to that yoga class too!)

Sorry for being a mess...

Namaste *sigh*
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Re: Night Shift

Hi Anna,

No, i can understand that sense of ansiety or heightened fear when ever you're around someone specific. I am like that with my ex. Just hearing his voice or seeing him unexpectedly is enough to frighten me severely. You need to look after yourself first, however you need to. If that means staying away then so be it (in my humble opinion...but easier said than done in your living circumstances..) I'm glad that your partner is able to help keep you safe, but you are also keeping yourself safe daily too, even if it is a struggle. you accept the support and continue to seek help and support. You are very brave.

I hate snap out of it comments, just get over it comments... they are so useless. if we could we would?!! if only we came with buttons and switches that made those things possible. To live without fear, on a constant basis, would be heaven.

Please don't apologise, I'm glad that you are able to express some of those concerns and worries here, and I hope that it helps in some way.

LOL i want to get to that class too... It was tonight, but i just couldnt do it... I came up with lots of great excuses (we'rein the middle of moving, i donthave the right clothes to wear, kids are tired (they will go to a creche in the next room but it finishes after their usual bedtime!, so i will get them ready for bed before we go and dinner etc) next week!!