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Re: Night Shift

Your story is epic, @PeppiPatty. You are an amazing woman. And you go around the forums bringing people together in different ways, always keeping what seems to be good humour and a special thought for whoever you meet here. I think you are entitled to rest if that's what you need. But I am also very proud of whenever you get out to the beach and your steps to working out with the vibration machine. And the art you have done, your writing and your craft. I hope you get some good sleep tonight and wake up with a surprising amount of energy tomorrow. Glad you can get some of your story out here.

Re: Night Shift

my story is NOthing to what others have done @Mazarita

I was able to do this little thing....

Okay, thank you for saying it's epic but it isnt. But thankyou.


Re: Night Shift

Now it is probably time for bed, past time for bed here so better get to it if I can. Night night, sweet dreams. Heart

Re: Night Shift

wow @Appleblossom speachless. Great news!!!

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Re: Night Shift

@PeppiPatty I formally second @Mazarita you are epic! you have come through so much and I hope that you can be proud of your story and your journey! you're amazing, don't compare or minimise 😄


Re: Night Shift

@Former-Member Im finnding it really hard to accept your compliment ........thats yours and @Mazarita but @LittleBuddha is pushing me so...........thank you. Im extremely lucky that I have Mr @LittleBuddha



Thanks. Ive never ever thought it was how it was.......when there is no one except damning parents.....It's like the isolation sucks into you and you feel so so empty and alone inside yourself. 

When I got pregnant to my oldest son, I was on a kibbutz in Israel and I got pregnant to my boyfriend back in PErth and I didnt know this but my Mum was ringing the Kibbutz telling them to make sure I had an abortion because I was too ill (mentally)to have a baby......

Now of course, he's 25 years old  


SO much harder to be alone these days.

Just look at that wonderful film on Utube "SAmson and Deliah," indiginous people's film, now thats lonely.........

And life goes on.

Re: Night Shift

Thank you everyone for you nice messages. @Appleblossom, congratulations to your son. What a credit to him to be accepted straight into a bachelor! You must be so proud. 


@PeppiPatty thank you for sharing some of your story. You are an amazing woman and I feel so privlidged to be sharing some sort of connection with you, albeit online.


@Mazarita, Im sorry things havent been so good with your partner, I am glad to read he is home now. I hope things are on the improve today. ((Hugs))


@Former-Member when does your little boy go back to school? Australia seems to have two starting weeks depending on the state - next week and the following week. I hope things go smoothly for him, from what I have read you have set up a great support network of people to assist him, yourself and the school so Im sure it will. Also best of luck to you starting back teaching soon! 


@Former-Member I hope you are okay. ((hugs))


I am sitting here breaking all the rules. Ive had a pretty good day (Ive even started riding my horses again which I just love) but this evening is going to rubbish. So Im sitting drinking a midori and lemonade to make me feel better. No good self care but I never have more than one (I have a huge fear of addiction). 



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Re: Night Shift

@PeppiPatty - glad you have a good voice in your ear - go @LittleBuddha !! 😄 It is hard to be alone, and easy to notice the things we dont do rather than the things we do... but we're human 😄

@Former-Member , I'm hoping that you're ok, and looking after you today. I'm hoping that I didnt trigger anything for you yesterday, but let us know if we can help at all.

@Mazarita Great work, getting out and about today, I can imagine the massive effort that that took for you, your hour long walk on the beach sounded lovely, hope the legs are ok!

I didnt get to my yoga class tonight, was really tired and feeling a bit anxious. My ex is being sentenced tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out about that, his reaction and just a zillion thoughts zooming around my head about it all, but mostly it does feel like the end of something and for that i'm really grateful.

I also had my psychiatric review today, and got the okay to go back to work (he's not paying my bills for me!) lol. Im pleased with most of what he said but very nervous about telling my new boss about things that have gone on in my life in the last few years, and my MI (thats something that he thinks i need to do...). but on the positive not he is happy to write a support letter about my parenting and state of health/seeking treatment and asking for support when needed to fam court.



Re: Night Shift

Dear Lj,


It's really GOOD to hear this awful few years are going to be over for you tomorrow.

@Former-Member.... will survive this. I promise that one thing, the one thing that I think every here is thinking is not to let that doodlebrain get away with bad behaviour. I know it's easier said than done. It's so easy to crumble in this nightmare have the children, you have no money, he is attacking your.......emotional state.

Do not let him. You havent so far and it's not for much longer. 

Look at YOU. You are surviving...your going back to WORK!!

Wow.  My sons were much much worse. And they at 21 and 25 are managing their own lives.

I know that it may feel like Im taking away whats happening for you by bringing up my own sons

 I PROMISE you that you will be able to look back at this time and be grateful that you put your children first and that it happened like it did. Your children will remember how you are to them. 


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Re: Night Shift

Thanks @PeppiPatty 😄