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Re: Good Morning!

@Ant7  Am so sorry to hear Ant7 :(. My condolences hope you have a kind and caring day ahead.xxxHeart

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Good morning TABs hope your appointment goes okay for you. Love peax

Re: Good Morning!

read centre link sick cert @greenpea  how are you going ? been outside in drizzle trying to start water heater lol, had to wash grime off after humid night. Heater seems to have a thing with storms lately, not sure what the connection is

Re: Good Morning!

@Wanderer  I love fog so beautiful. I really need to move one day lol. At least I have a fertile imagination :)xx

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  I am doing good thanks cat. Hope centrelink go easy on you and just approve everything so you can get the hell out of there :p. 

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea good morning wonderful pea. Hope you enjoy the day. Take care.

Re: Good Morning!

I worked in Hunter Valley years ago @greenpea , used to be fog inbetween hills going to work in morning even in summer if it had been raining 

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Hey beautiful. Wishing you a great day. Love peaxx

Re: Good Morning!

haha yeah, should go and see them today re perpetual questions and no info from them @greenpea  all a big secret how they work these days

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  how beautiful :). I havent been to the Hunter in years. It would be a wonderful place to retire in and work in for that matter. You have been most places :Dx