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Re: DIVERSITY and INCLUSION - Join us here!

@BPDSurvivor @Spirit_Healer @Shaz51 @NanaSane @Former-Member


Happy Diwali Sunday

This is from my friend, sharing perspective and insights from her friend.

“Diwali, I've heard it described as the forces of Light defeating the forces of the Dark. I have heard it described as the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. I have heard it described as good being victorious over evil.

Right now, I've come to think of it as light representing the illumination of Truth. Dark itself is not ignorance. In the Dark is the Truth we cannot see, do not know.

In the Dark can be what we choose not to see.

Can be the unknown which we might or might not ever be able to know.

The Dark, the unknown is not evil.

The Light, the known is not good.

The Light and the Dark are not in battle - there is no Light versus Dark.

As I understand it, the ‘battle' arises from thinking, talking, acting out of ignorance, from creating false stories about what we do not know or what we choose not to admit/see. The 'battle' arises from a lack of humility to be aware, that we often don't know or to admit "we don't know." The 'battle' arises from actions rooted in fear, rage, hate, pain, blame.

The 'battle' arises from deluding notions of superiority/inferiority. The 'battle' arises, from many other sources which I am too ignorant to state here.

The 'battle' is out there - we all know of many examples.

The 'battle' is in here - in our out-of-control minds-hearts.

The 'battle' is in our tattered, unregulated nervous systems.

The 'battle' is in our untended wounds, in our unprocessed grief, in our guilt, in our shame.

Light doesn't vanquish or conquer. Light illuminates.

Darkness doesn't disappear - we begin to see better, have greater awareness even in the Dark.

As we approach Diwali, I send a wish into the cosmos for ceasefires in the external and internal battles taking place around the globe.

In our relationships with ourselves - may there be a ceasefire

In our relationships with each other - may there be a ceasefire.

In our relationships with the planet - may there be a ceasefire.

May the ceasefires ultimately turn into long lasting peace.

In our relationships with ourselves.

In our relationships with each other.

In our relationships with the planet.

Lighting tiny fires in order to call out for ceasefires wherever they are needed, to call out for long-lasting peace and liberation.“

Re: DIVERSITY and INCLUSION - Join us here!

Hello @BPDSurvivor @Shaz51 @NanaSane @Peonies @Glisten @tyme @Riverseal @hanami

I'm feeling a little lonely so I'm reaching out here. How is everyone going?