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Re: Anne and Loopy

Hi @PeppiPatty 

I'm so sorry to hear about that things have been rough for you.

Can I offer you some tea and cake???

My thoughts are with you. Heart

Re: Anne and Loopy

Hi @peace,

Thank you for the message. sometimes it's all day and I bed. Or do my necklace making and hand sewing.
today, I cleaned out my bedroom and went to bed all day.
I'm getting through it but I am tryng to turn everythg off and give myself time to either read. (Ruth Rendell....) or do nothing but stare into space and clear my mind.

My home is very messy, beads all over the loungeroom table and cloth and thread all over my lounge but I basically keep the home clean, I work one day a fortnight and try to stay in there.
I wrote a letter for someone I saw who was having big trouble with her home and from that, she had it typed up, sent off and made an appointment with the member of Parliament . that made me feel oh......awesome.

thanks for holding my hand.

Jeepers, we have the same condition.
A. Living in WA
B. same panic attacks
C. Optimistic view in life.

We could call ourselves LAO.

L. Oving.
O. Pal
P. Ersons

Re: Anne and Loopy

hi. thanks. I'm getting there. Arlo helps and making necklaces helps. And chocolate with hazelnuts. Preferably friend came over and have me a tub of double chocolate chip icecream and he only ate one bowl. That was brilliant.

Re: Anne and Loopy


You made me laugh today. So nice thank you. Yeah I think definitely LAO LOP'S.
I know about the staring into space thingy. It is very helpful in clearing the overwhelmed mind and it givess the mind a chance to rest. It is a form of meditation. I am glad to hear that you let yourself sleep when you feel the need to. It is something I tend to resist then when I break down I regret not giving that to myself.
Your bead work sounds interesting. Its really lovely to have a hobby.

Re: Anne and Loopy

Thanks Cherry Bomb.
I'm okay now.
It feels nice that Peace@ identifies with the panic attacks.

Re: Anne and Loopy

@peace, how are you this morning ?
I read your message quite a bit because it helps me define what I'm going through but mainly because it I doesn't make me feel as chaotic because you go through them as well.

I'm really hoping that I'm going away for a couple of weeks.......maybe, maybe going way around the coast .....yay......

How are you this morning ?

Re: Anne and Loopy

Hiya @PeppiPatty
I've been too busy lately. It seems like one thing after another demanding my time, attention and patience. So I am feeling frazzled. I have only just sat down and its bedtime. I have work this weekend.
Are you feeling any better? I hope the anxiety has lifted a little bit.
What sort of things do you make with the beads?

Re: Anne and Loopy

Hi @peace, Because of many years of verbal abuse, and other difficulties, I'm incredibly burnt out. Everything is nice and slow.
I suffered big boils just under my chin.....for many years but have all cleared up in January this year. I'm walking around in major joy !

I keep myself busy, cleaning my home......inspired by forum.
Caring for my dog, my darling.
Learning to slow down.......inspired by forum
Very slow exercise...........inspired by forum
Accepting my 'lot in life,,,and loving it, being in it .......inspired by forum and myself
Spending all my time, all my time doing creative things.
1: making necklaces and selling them.
2. Hand sewing things
3. Drawing
4. Writing on forum .....reading others inspired by forum.....
5. Working once per week........inspired by forum....

I get very sad when I hear of frequent mess ups by the hospital treatment of people who experience times of mental ill health.
My sons are expected to manage their own lives. I have Been very lucky to have gone to a few talks by groovy people who are talking about how to communicate to others who experience mental ill health for today, not last century...(lol)

Your messages gave me a reality check
You read good, please write how the weekend is going....

Re: Anne and Loopy

@PeppiPatty Hi there. I say you are kinda creative and motivated. How so lovely to sell the things you make. You have son's, thats excellent. Do you see them regularly?
I've had a good weekend been at work and when I am home in the morning I have just played with my Grandson. We went down to the beach this morning and he laught as he watched my dog go swimming.
I get home late in the evening from work so I do get tired but I love to jump on to this forum and read whats been happening even if I am not up to writing anything. I really like it when I am well enough to work but it is a balancing act cause if I do too much it pushes me over the edge and I experience a mini breakdown yet working gives me self-esteem. I feel productive and worthwhile. In saying all that I am not capable of getting up in the mornings and rushing out the door. Its bad enough just waking up. So I try really hard not to think for the first hour . I usually head out for a morning walk and sometimes a swim before I feel like I can face the world. Haha
Oh well I gotta go to bed my body is shaking.
Blessings to you ♡♡♡

Re: Anne and Loopy

@peace, I have all your symptoms!! How cool is that.

I try and stay active on the forums, it's a lot of fun,
Feels good if your joining conversation to give suggestions.

Yeah, if I work too much I also experience a mini breakdown. I completely take the beach for granted because live about one minute away from it but since joining the sane forums....I've slowed right down, keeping my home so much cleaner and my face clear from boils and pimples.
Too old for them anyway !

My body shakes, my hands shake a lot.
I don't have a feeling of being productive if I work. Well....To me, work is how it is but I believe everything I do reflects on my sons. so for me, it's more important that I'm strong which will reflect on my sons. My oldest son live with times of experiencing mental ill health, I
IVe written about his journey often on the sane forums. To me, he is moving forward because saw him last year and was strong. Of course he hasn't spoken to me again but I don't family speak to him and he's tryng to manage his life by working and not take medication.

My youngest son is being awful right now. I have worked very hard to get along with my Mum, he lives with her, both my mum and me have worked hard on getting along and I'm going over there today to discuss with her what we can do to inspire him to manage his own well being.