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Re: Share a cuppa?

I’m also sick now too @tyme
Which is not helping me
I hope your ok thanks for this cuppa

Re: Share a cuppa?

Again?!?! @ArraDreaming 


You always seem to pick things up! And you get it bad... I can remember how many cuppa's I've had to make here for you while you were sick...


And I won't forget the soup you order here too when you were sick! Remember?

Re: Share a cuppa?

yeah we’ve eliminated a possible cause for why I was getting so sick last year and start of this year, so I think this is just standard old sick 


I was fine and then this afternoon just got this rancid as cough and I was outside before to calm down a bit and when I came back in I just felt really nauseas been laying on the couch since then @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?



I need to ask you a question, I will email you.



Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Oaktree 


Are you still there - I wouldn't mind sharing a cuppa - it would be really great after all.


I don't know how but I managed to spill a cup of coffee on my arm and had to go to hospital to have it dressed - I think it will be okay - it's taking a bit of time to settle down.


I hope you are the best you can be



Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Owlunar 


I am here and would love a cuppa. Sorry about your arm.



Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Oaktree I hope I havent upset you? maybe just unfortunate timing from when I posted to when you shared yoh had a concern, I hope you are ok anyway
Hey @Owlunar I hope your arm improves

just dropping by to say hi to both of you then going again as I’m not very well 🙁

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @ArraDreaming 


How lovely to hear from you. No I am not upset, I realised that you probably had things going on for you. I am eager to discuss gardening with you whenever you feel up to it.



Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @Oaktree I posted about pruning yesterday if you have fruit trees and want some info on when and what to prune back. but yeah I gotta head to bed. Talk soon

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @ArraDreaming 


I was reading my phone in hospital - I see you are having a rough time - I get it - you do need to sound off


Hi @Oaktree 


It's great to share


And - yes - my arm will probably get worse before it gets better - that's what they told me - it feels okay at the moment though - hopefully I will get a good sleep.


All the best to both of you



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