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Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

yeah I did RLSC thing stage 1,2,3,4 safe swimmer etc @Appleblossom  but stroke got that bad after years of unlearning went back to adult classes

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

Yeah come to think of it. My father did not push me beyond reasonable levels. He just helped me swim across the Bondi seapool in gr 3 ... but then to be pushed to do 200 metres the next year cos they had too many kids in the middle level was not good PE or swim teaching. I was not really up to it, and that should have been no shame. Maybe its the being tall thing, and they think I am older ... idk

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

well its good you could do it @Appleblossom 

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

@Appleblossom  Hey Appleblossom sounds good to me 🙂 (I am not good with ladders either lol). I think as long as you keep moving that is the key. Went for 1 walk yesterday and then a 30 min walk later was hot as hell but had to get out to meeting for daughter and decided to walk not drive needless to say were the only ones walking lol.

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

Yeeeees   @TAB about finishing the 200metres, but there really was no sense of stroke by the end of it. It was more about filling out groups for the benefit of the teachers than for me. It would have been reasonable to do 100 metres, but from 150 I was really in strife. Its another ahah moment for me about the level of neglect and pressure to perform as a child, starting with the abandonment at 6 with littlies and how my personality. I would never have complained to teachers or parents as that had been well drilled by orphanage life.

So in the absence of having a clue about what is normal ... I am learning about what is reasonable.

Yes @greenpea I am going with just keep moving gently is possible.

Hip joints aching last night, probably from all the walking of the week.


I was coached to distinguish muscle pain from the joint pain ... one may be good the other is definitely not good.  I buried the ole "no gain without pain" a long time ago.


I think my CoS thought I was a wimp and would not cope with deep tissue work of Myotherapy, but with spinal condition like I have ... it is a blessed release where for others it is all pain.


Carried cat to vet today upper body work far.

Cheers All


Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

sounds rough @Appleblossom Hope cat is okay I dont remember how I swam as a kid, just remember swam as far as told to since you brought it up, also long underwater swims lol

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

@TABMy cat is an old man with thyroid issues.  We go to the vet a lot adjusting meds and doing bloods.  It is annoying but it keeps him fairly comfy. He is pretty cruisy about it, just submits as the least trouble. I lost his litter brother 2 years ago, when I was visiting my son a lot and a lot of s**t hit the proverbial ... its important for my son to keep this old boy going and he may last a few more years.


I guess I am primed to be a survivor ... I swam on a lot of isolated surf beaches ... but my bf got paranoid about sharks ... so he would have me look thru binoculars to check for him.  Was a water baby for a while.

Smiley Happy

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

well hope cat is comfortable as it can be and guess shark swimming is superperson thing or just not considering risks @Appleblossom 

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

There were bno sharks where I swam ... just lucky .. I never had money to waste on a newspaper ... understanding what a risk is .. was more my problem @TAB  ... nobody spoke of safety and risk when I was a kid.... at least not in my hearing ... except one gardener showed us a snake when I was hiding in the grass in an orpohanage ... also with both parents ... suffering from Sz ... ... I guess I counteracted it by trying to manage my fear and live with courage.

Tho someone once told me I stank of fear ... but that was probably cos I had no idea of the amount fearful situations I had been in.... as compared with the average.


My millionaire baby bro was a superperson type ... took his kids swimming in cages with sharks outside deliberately as one of his last acts with them ... before he died of cancer  ... I was just naive ...

Re: Re@: My f@itness journey

I dont know, had mortal fear of snakes instilled at early age, mother used to killbill them  @Appleblossom  seat belts were optional rode in back of utes, went on 20c plane rides lol Different times. Cant imagine re orphanage