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Re: Just checking in.


Good to hear from you @Kurra Smiley Happy

I'll have a bit of time to think before I see her next, which is two weeks from this coming Tuesday (13th Dec). I think at the end of the day I need to do what is best for me. You raised some really good points and perhaps I do have few options available to me. Atm I am feeling quite a bit depressed and I am just worried about how I will manage the next 2 and bit weeks. I have planned to keep myself busy until I see her next. How are you @Kurra ? I hope you are travelling well and doing good things.



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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Jacques....

I was just about to try to get some sleep when I checked my mail... Please don't feel guilty - I'm not upset at YOU at all - I know it can be very difficult to communicate only with words & no body language cues - I'm sorry I am a very sensitive person & that is probably why I struggle with friendships in real life... I'm just lucky to have my partner... Please it is OKAY @Jacques 

& @Former-Member you didn't offend/hurt (or other) me either - I honestly just thought some people must get paranoid about going to the dentist - I know I get paranoid about some strange things at times & I have had some weird/out there delusions, so I just took your comment seriously....& when you said it was a joke I was just like - oh trust me, not to get that!

I just wanted to say I'm not upset with anyone here - I wasn't at Friday Feast as I'm still recovering from surgery, but it isn't as bad this time thankfully (& either was the surgery) 

@Jacques - I hope you recover from the flu soon - I know the muscle would ache a lot with it...

Ahimsa - Namaste,



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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Appleblossom,

Just checking in with you too. How are things in your world?

My therapist came over during the week to talk to the kids and everyone was here . It went well and a few small changes have happened. They were receptive and I  hope they take it in. Will let you know how it goes.

i really hope you are going ok. Sending hugs💜🤗

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Re: Just checking in.

I'm so glad this surgery went better @Former-Member. I can imagine you still have much discomfort and pain though. I completely missed a joke from @Kurra last night and she had to spell it out for me. It happens to us all @Former-Member. I hope you recover from your surgery soon and that the week is kind to you. It was lovely of you to respond too. Sending hugs 💜🤗💐

Re: Just checking in.

you are so sweet @Former-Member, Thank you so much.


Sometimes i know my thoughts are silly, but they are so strong that i believe them. i know i meant no harm but i don't like hurting other peoples feelings. i know @Former-Member has forgiven me and i am thankful for that, she is a wonderful friend and i have known her a long time. 


i am not feeling well, i hope you don't mind me keeping this short. just not up to typing today.


thank you for the well wishes, it warms my heart to know people care.





Re: Just checking in.

hi @Former-Member,


Please never be sorry you are sensitive, it is a charictaristic sadly lacking in this world, thank you for making me feel better, you are a wonderful friend and i am glad we are ok, it is difficult without body language, i am so glad you are so understanding. 


you are a great friend and always will be to me Anna, i am proud to call you my friend.


I love the photos of your cats. they are so cute. 


take care my friend, hugs



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Re: Just checking in.

I woke up feeling really really sick. I have a maasive headache.
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Re: Just checking in.

That's no good @Former-Member😢. Was it from our discussion last night? Did it make you worry more?

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Re: Just checking in.

I don't think so @Former-Member . It is a tension/sinus headache.
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Re: Just checking in.