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Re: Finding a GP

I appreciate your time to write and share , I’m not sure if this relates to my current situation but I do appreciate the time and words you have shared. I’m sorry for your loss , and I understand why honesty is best but this is a bit different. Particularly since feeling comfortable and trusting the Dr is important , and I have neither. But I do in a way when reading see your point about honesty , and also different peoples struggles and experiences. But very different situation with me and this particular Dr , but Thankyou for taking the time to give me words to think about

Re: Finding a GP

No not wrong at all. I just did it with my bad (for me) psychiatrist -vented about him too- I've also done it with a therapist (also vented) - It's doing you more harm than good to see this person, and it's important that you protect yourself more than protect them. And trust me they won't mind at all. So long as you're not leaving them a nasty message or review (unless they have done something heinous) it won't hurt them. But staying is going to hurt you.
I don't know how it works where you are, but I can pick the doctor I want an appointment with. Most clinics will have a list of their GPs with a little statement about each, look for one that has an interest in mental health and ask to see them, make sure you've secured an appointment before cancelling your current one with the doctor you're not meshing with though.
Also When I've left a good doctor before (or rather the doctor moved on) I asked them for a recommendation too and now I have a fantastic doctor and it sucked when they went on leave.
I've had a handful of doctors that I didn't mesh with but I had to see in a pinch, it happens, but I've never seen them for a follow up. I move on, it's like that first appointment was their job interview with me and they failed

Re: Finding a GP

Thank you so much for your reply, you words have helped me a lot to realise sometimes you don't mesh well with a Dr, and sometimes you need to speak to others to see if your right in your feelings and thoughts, I appreciate it. I think as people who need someone at least with mental health understanding it's important to look for the right Dr or Drs. This week has been really eye opening to me about how important it is to find the right medical people (Drs, psychologists, mental health nurse, etc.) so you feel safe and comfortable and most importantly your listened too. Thank you for the words, I think it helped knowing others are in similar situations and it's okay to feel this way about it too. I'm positive moving forward but it's important I really put my mental health to the front, so thank you