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Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@eudemonism, today I went to an art group at a local mental health centre. Been going for quite a long time now and it's something lowkey and good to get me out of the flat. People are nice to each other there, which I appreciate. How have you gone today? I find as I get on a bit in age, I do miss the zest I remember from youth. I used to take for granted the little things I now celebrate with bells on. Though if truth be told I've never been up to scratch with the 'normal' world and its crazy fast pace. How have you gone today with finding distraction and action?

@Teej, no cartwheels necessary. I understand we've all got stuff going on. I just like talking about what I am getting done here because I feel it is psychologically valuable to affirm our small successes, especially in writing. Helps build a platform for better feeling about ourselves overall, I think. Like @eudemonism, I am afraid of sharks and also, perhaps more dangerous, the rips. It is an open ocean beach. So I tend to go in only a very little way, kneel down and let the waves lap into me there. Pretty small stuff really, but big for me.

@frog, I've struggled mostly with the depression side of bipolar too. I agree that very small changes add up. They have added for me over the past four years since I moved to this new place. I now get out of the flat and into some kind of social company a number of times a week usually, and with a lot less anxiety and ease. Before I was very holed up in the last place I lived, for years. The ebbs and flows seem natural and I experience them too. There are some times I'm back almost completely to the bad old days it seems. Then another forward spurt of action and I'm up and walking again. I think you have the right idea to just keep trying. I'll be doing the same.


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Mazarita it's been an up and down day as usual. I think the rise and fall in temperature effects me everyday. I'm alright if I get out and about and keep active or distract myself. But my illness is always lurking and waiting for me to be weak and vulnerable I must say. It feeds off of my past, present and future. So it makes life a little difficult. But I'm managing alright. I visited a few friends today. Did the rounds. And then came home and pottered around. Quite often I call one of the call centers for support. Not ideal... Eude.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Teej I ended up watching my TV show. And done a chapter of reading. I then went about rounding up all my technology devices and put them in the back room. Tvs. Radios. Computers. Stereos. Because I was having a moment of reflecting upon the material world around me and became very frustrated with it. I rearranged the lounge room. And spun out a bit. My symptoms did flare up once or twice today though. It's a typical thing. Eude. Always tomorrow right?

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Good morning @Mazarita @Teej @eudemonism @frog

Haven't been up long but have done the basics of making bed, dressing, making coffee.

Jobs I might get done today are washing dishes, making a couple of challenging phone calls I've been putting off, replying to an email from a dear person that's been sitting in my inbox for nearly 3 weeks, finishing putting the washing away .......  but not motivated to get started yet.

Very glad to hear of the outcome of your assessment @Teej  Trust all is well on the progress of the car.

Fantastic about swimming @Mazarita and I've made a note to research degeneration with bipolar, and cognitive impairment which I'm sure is a factor for me.  But I'm not up to it this morning as I'm still reeling from my psychologist appointment yesterday.  More about that on the rave thread I think.

@frog I will look at your link about Zen Habits.

I hear you about 'always tomorrow' @eudemonism - that's one thing I'm really good at!

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Good morning everyone 💕

I have a made bed at “home” and I am now 2.7km away from there on foot ..... although it might be a public transport trip home yet ..... see how I go.

I have made a commitment to buying art materials this morning, and squashing was hem into the only painting corner I have here. A backpack will make that space as big as a coffee shop or local park, weather permitting.

I need to make a dr’s appointment for S2 and one for D3 and get to know some medical people to start our ball rolling over here.

There is more finding places for things to be done in the house.

Somewhere in my travels I want to find a life-like enough toy cat that when I see it out of the corner of my eye I will imagine for a moment that it is a real one, then wish that it was a real one.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Good morning, @eudemonism@eth, @Former-Member, @frog@Teej@Faith-and-Hope and anyone reading here,

Eude, I hear you on the rise and fall in temperature, though for a different reason. One of the medications I take makes me sweat a lot, in addition to hormonal issues at this time in my life that do the same. Brush my hair, I sweat. Check the mail, sweat. Anything, sweat. It's a big nuisance, though not as hard as being affected mentally by changes in temperature, which is what you are describing, I think. I too seem to need a lot of distraction or my mood sinks or becomes a bit unstable. I get lost in myself when left alone like that and can end up sitting in a chair for long periods of time, staring into space. Fortunately, I have a fair few methods of distraction at this point, including the forum. Great that you visited a few friends yesterday, your rounds. When you said, 'not ideal', I had to wonder if any of us are in anything like an ideal situation. Are you a perfectionist? I have that tendency and need to consciously tell myself that perfection is just not of this world, or human.

Eth, I'm still sitting here in my nightie. Because of the tiredness in the morning, I often delay the starting of items on my 'daily activity list'. Also, today is a bit empty of anything planned until this evening, so it probably is worthwhile postponing the start of things. Being here is a valuable activity too, I think, though it's not something I have on my list. Sounds like you have some good things planned for the day. Look forward to reading your post in the rave thread, though it sounds like it relates to something difficult, so not so much good for you, I guess. Still, may help to get it out on the page.

Faith, missed your post while I was drafting this one, so just adding to it now. Your day is off to a good start. I am so pleased to hear you say that you will be buying some art materials today. Hugs for your sense of dislocation at present.

Hope everyone has some moments of enjoyment throughout the day. 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks Maz


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@frog thanks for the link about Zen Habits.  A really helpful read for me at this time.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @eth hope you got through some of your to do list. I am having a Friday pm slump. My must do is watering the garden, so I better get moving before the light goes. Have a good evening.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @Mazarita @frog and @eth

What bothers me the most is not being able to control how I'm feeling. Due to certain factors.
