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Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

Hi Bella @PeppiPatty

We all gotta do what we all gotta do.

Churches can be great ... but usually as we age ... did you see the series or read the book Sarum about the building of Salisbury cathedral?

Church has often been work for me .. made terrific money with youth group as organist for weddings ... havent gone back to that ... just did weddings with my mother over the last 30 years.

My son was a Dawkins fan at an early age ... so I told him God must have accepted him otherwise the steeple at our church would have cracked with him singing in it ... he knew I was joking.

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?



Yeah.......I read Dawkins but I must admit, I fell asleep after the second page. How can he write a thick book saying the same thing over and over again?? I also bought this poular book in PErth by someone called Baker on .......he doesnt believe in God then I went to Victory Church to check it out and Margaret Court, the tennis lady who owns the Victory church in Western Australia comes up to me and says....."oh, good a new lady!! We will get you speaking in tongues !!" So I never went back.........

No I havent heard of that so I just joined Scribd and will find it on their booksite......

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?


Oh @PeppiPatty that is exactly what I thought about Dawkins ... boring, repetitive ...but the younger generations are in awe of him  .. but this mum has believed in evolutionary biology long before I had ever heard of RD ... he is just the new kid on the block to we old crones.

I never got into the charismatic thing much ... though I like their enthusiasm ... it was a pleasant change to a lot of the dry cranky crabbiness that was often floating around.

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

I cannot BElieve your saying this about Richard Dawkins!! I thought it was only me!! 



I joined this beautiful caring we believe in the bible literally church group. I go because ....I work for a coupld who started the chiurch and they are the most beautiful caring people I have ever met. 

Like, I got tickets for the wife and me to see a movie called Dressmaker. But my pay didnt come through and the ticket I thought I got didnt work. She says, oh no problems, Ille pay.......dont worry about it........

Golly, then, the husband is a gardener. He just retired. These people are .calm, no problems, They love their family. I go and sink in the goodness. I dont sing. They won't ask me to leave if I do sing because they really are beautiful people. 

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

yay! you and i have the same opinion Woman Happy

Thats the issue.  Everyone is complex and unique and that can wonderful just to understand.  Yes even though I am not a literalist ... simply being with good people is worth a lot.Heart

You didnt mention anything about my story about son and singing.


Btw ... I am one of those who believe everyone can sing .. so am sure you can too.

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

I liked tha he rebelled with you and I need to look some words up.

But if you want a general...what do I that you had children and it forced you to get out there in the first place then.......

Lets face it,,,,,,,bit quirky how your son was brought up. I know that not going to school thing because my son went to hospital a lot. 

On the piano, I can see that you worked very ahrd to do the right thing with his education. Didnt you suggest that you wanted to show a paper and start up a thread on it?

Yeah, I;m glad that both my sons went to school and they finished year 12. But thats just my two sons. It feels like what does education do unless your would be really good if your a teenager though. 

It feels like he is going well, he has a little girlfriend and thats nice that he can do that. Sounds like he is refreshingly unusual for a 22 year old.......he's just doing his own thing. 


My oldest son has sunk into drinking a LOT every day this week to get over the latest breakup. 


I personally wagged more school than go......When I had my car accident, the music teacher came into class and says to the class, Oh Ive got some terrible news.....Anne .................. and the class burst out laughing because they all thought it was one of my excuses not to turn up. 



Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

I cannot sing. I embroider. 

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

Okay all, Im going to bed, please dont get into a great 7 hour talk of something without me. Please send my name on anyone new that turns up 

Niiighgghghghggghhhttttt xx

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

Yep pretty quirky parenting but not all my decisions ... more like best responses to unusual situations.

How many kids have to mediate between bogan ville, professor ville, schizophrenics floating around, other people's fancy consumer tastes, a mad mum and people dropping dead?  Where was the help and support?

My girls went to school, though one didnt go much if I wasnt doing everything for her.  The other is a worker and a real professional.

It would have been easier for me if they did go to normal school ... but it wasnt a normal situation.

You dont have to sing if you dont want to @PeppiPatty  I only started singing late in life. I offered to get son a motorbike and do more blokey things and would have been just as happy to do science, not quite as qualified though.  I would have figured things out.

Dont you think I was creative in turning up all the options?  We did state school, catholic school, private school, select entry school (for daughter) and I tried official home-school like correspondence school, but they didnt help, so it all fell on my quirky initiative.  The dad rejected autism school offered by the shrink.

How about this ... the home school girl's dad worked in home school section of the Ed Dept and admitted that there was a clerk who had not been doing their job properly and over a years worth of emails from parent were not replied to or something ... he got the sack ... and we and many others fell through the cracks.

I phoned and sent emails again and again to the Education Department, eventually I gave up.  I am over being impressed by anybody who tells me they have a job ... or fancy shoes ... good on them ... I been working bloody hard too:  Using my body, my brain and my heart.

Re: To work or not to work: or what is "work" anyway?

Norty norty @PeppiPatty I checked my posts and I didnt use big words.  I have worked hard to dumb things down too.