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Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

@pip. Your daughter will find her inner strength. And she will fight her addiction & get the therapy she needs.
Sounds like a healing day & an emotionally draining day.
Be sure to look after yourself.

Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

@utopia. Don't throw your hands up, G is back, with a vengeance. He contacted both my kids to find out where he'd erred. My son said he didn't have a clue what was going on, he didn't, I hadn't told him. My daughter said he would have to make the first move as my lack of confidence meant I would not be contacting him first. I would not have contacted him again. Evidently my son told him he thought there was a misunderstanding brought about by G's mistaken belief I was about to come running. I got a very heavy worded email saying under no circumstances did he want to end our relationship. He said he loved me, hadn't stopped. He also said he was prepared to work with me and the kids, he wants me in his life - permanently. My son told him straight if he did decide to re-unite, he would have to just about make an appointment as I wouldn't just drop everything and run to him. He actually begged me to keep in touch. I saw my daughter, we had our first counseling session today, I'm pretty drained, but it ended on a good note. My daughter hugged me and told me she loved me. I said the same and told her my love was unconditional. I will return for a further session in a couple of days. Tomorrow my daughter sees her counselor alone to discuss the drug and alcohol issue. Because I'm 'dry' and have been for several months, this is her ball game tomorrow. I told her to ring me if necessary. It looks as though I have my bf back. I hadn't actually lost him. If you can ever understand men and how they work, write a book please, I'll buy the first 100 copies. lol. All I know is, they can be 'weird'.

Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

@pip. They are no weirder than us women. It's just really important - especially when we have trauma and previous relationship issues - that our communication is always 100%.
I'm learning from you and G. When my time comes, hopefully I'll follow my own advice.
Well done for attending the counseling session with your daughter. That can't have been easy. But it sounds like your relationship with her - can only keep improving - as it has already started.
Your son and daughter have your back - especially with regards to G. You have two pretty special kids.
Pamper yourself tonighr. Bubble bath. Nail Polish. Chocolate. And then see if you can get a good nights sleep.
Brilliant news all round.

Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

@utopia. Bubble bath not possible, instead chocolate ice cream followed by hot chocolate, followed by early bed. My kids have really come through for me this time. If anything this business with G has taught me honesty is the best policy. He apparently told my daughter that because we live in different states, there is absolutely no reason why we still can't 'connect' on a close personal relationship. I have told him repeatedly that I would never live with him, neither of us wants to live with each other. My son evidently told him if we were to re-unite it would only be for a day as I have a pretty full happy life. Whether we will remains to be seen. I hadn't stopped loving him, but my need is not 'clingy', it's whatever happens type. If we can get together, so be it. He does have friends here in Qld, if he ever decides to visit them, I'm sure I will see him for about a day. I couldn't stand longer, I tend to get bored with too much small talk. I'm not over affectionate with kissing, cuddling either. As for sex - forget it, not interested.

Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

I am really hoping that you are well @pip and that things are bubbling along ....

Hope christmas was good and

Happy New Year


Re: Not sure, came under heading of Dambuster.

Hello @pip

Been thinking of you , hope you are ok HeartHeart