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Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@Former-Member   Hello Basil, this is the essence of my problem. I thought I had solved it again and it was time to move on - but it is all still unresolved.


I don't know where I should post this but, as always, it is open to everyone.  I have appreciated all feedback and have loved the interaction.


This is the essence of my problem.  You will have noticed that one minute I feel all is well and the next - when I again remember the dreadful predicament I am in - I am back to square one thinking I have been duped and overwhelming distress sets in again.  I can't decide with any certainty which lasts more than a short time.  It is so cruel that I have to attribute it to malice. To skillful intent.


I know the man he presented himself to be over so many years and that was the man who 'seemed' to do so much good work.  He really sold his 'goodness' to me. But the result of his work is what brought me to this forum.  My ex-psychiatrist has done such a number on me by his now absolutely, contradictory conduct that I am unable to decide if he is friend or was always foe. 


It is absolutely cruel - and once again, I am thinking he has done this on purpose and is enjoying my pain.  My total confusion.  I was in such good health before he did this to me and he has brought me totally undone.  No psychiatrist would do such a thing unless it was always his intention.


I can find an explanation for everything he has done, every piece of advice,  and then another which gives an ulterior and malicious motive to it.


For this entire year I have been trying to decide how, why - who is this man I had trusted, was his decency just all an act?  Does he hate women and is he seeking revenge on the patient who trusted him implicitly?  If so, how do I save myself - from him - his control?  How DO I move on?


It is difficult enough when one is psychologically abused by a spouse, for instance, but how do I disentangle this mess when I have been manipulated by a master of deception?  A psychiatrist.  He got me when I was at my most vulnerable and I gave him my absolute trust and simply never had cause to re-assess since.


How could I have been so stupid?  Can we not trust anyone?


How can a psychiatrist do painstaking work on his patients - especially me as his test-case - yet on the other hand, destroy my life completely?  


His financial advice has left me in dire straits.  I will now never have a home.  Timing is everything in psychiatry and I have to question if each attempt to reach out to my family was timed to fail at his direction.  


It seems that I will never see my daughters again and that is more than I can bear.  Looking into such a future is more than bleak.


Please help me.  I am very frightened.


@chibam  suggested a support group for victims of psychiatry.  He is quite right. These matters, we victims, need just such support.  

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@Historylover  Oh true I love cannon hill I worked at morningside. Brisbane is beautiful I love it there.

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@AEB   Small world isn't it?  So pleased you love it in Brisbane.

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@Historylover  Yes very small world. So where are you living now?

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

Dear @chibam   Some days ago before I made my LikeMinds post, I felt that as I was feeling so low I was worried about the effect I may have on you as we had developed such a rapport.  It's great to have like minds but what effect do we have on each other when we are going down.  Do we take the other person down with us?  I was just so concerned.


I have loved reading your posts, but they have made me feel sad.  Don't take that as anything other than a good thing.  It made me feel good to be affected by you and your load - although I had no idea what it was. 


I tried to move among a more broad group so that I didn't develop a link to you which could be burdensome to you.


I have found your posts so interesting, so well-informed, so heart-warming but I didn't ask you what your particular problem was as I didn't want to intrude.  I have just been reading a few of your old posts and think I understand.  I am so sorry for your experiences.  They call it 'mental illness'!  Like hell!


As I said, I swing from one understanding of my own situation to the opposite and I was feeling that I was going to be alright and that if I kept posting, I may just get annoying.  We can't tell people everything is going to be fine - so what else could I  say to anyone.  I didn't know what else I was going to say to you or to anyone else so I decided I would move on and leave everyone with my best wishes for getting their lives together.


My good feelings didn't last long and my pendulum swung back again to the realities of my situation and I am now back again.  I don't know what I am doing.


No, @chibam,  I did not have a good experience from my psychiatrist.  It only seems that way when I am feeling positive and it doesn't last long.   I did some research on psychiatrists harming patients etc. and read that bullies are often drawn to the 'helping professions' eg. doctors, nurses, etc.  I realized long ago that we don't deal with people in the roles they represent but with their individual personalities.  The 'bully' aspect which was suggested hadn't occured to me but it makes perfect sense.


How are you?  You are so helpful to everyone, so able to express things which so many of us understand but don't have the depth of understanding you have.  What a mess we are all in.  

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@AEB  We came to Melbourne 40 years ago.  I fell in love with it immediately.  

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@Historylover  Oh nice it’s on my list of places to go...once we can go places again

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@AEB   You are sounding much more positive today.  Keep it up.  

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@Historylover  Yeah I’m getting myself and my daughter out of the mess we are currently living in and back to a place of love and support. Just needing to find a place to live now 

Re: Not my 'story' - it's my nightmare.

@AEB   Happy hunting!