Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
04-09-2020 12:45 PM
04-09-2020 12:45 PM
Hi everyone i was just discharged from hospital a couple of days ago and have been having rough time but today felt a little better. I have been diagnosed as having scizoaffective disorder but the depression side of things is what has been troubling me. I dont know if ill ever feel better i have decided to give up work which will give me a sense of relief when it happens as I have struggled to maintain going to work since I became really unwell 6 years ago. I do feel at this time that ill never be able to work again. Ive come on this forum to see if any one going through hardships of schizoaffective disorder as I have never met anyone else who has it even in hospital.
04-09-2020 12:56 PM
04-09-2020 12:56 PM
Hi @Misty99
welcome hun. I am the carer of my 19 year old son who has schizoeffetive disorder. Happy to talk if I can be of any help?
04-09-2020 12:57 PM
04-09-2020 12:57 PM
It is a difficult diagnosis. I first read about it in my 20s at uni, and honestly identify with many aspects of it, tho nobody has diagnosed me with it ... yet.
Our delightful@greenpea has a lot she could add when she gets time to read your post.
Beyond words ...
I often use artwork to help me settle, understand things or communicate with others.
Cheers Apple
04-09-2020 01:20 PM
04-09-2020 01:20 PM
@Misty99 Hey Misty99 and welcome. Thank you @Appleblossom for tagging me. Has been a hell of a 24 hours so am not up to reading or replying much. Will get back to you asap. Just wanted to say hi. :)xx
04-09-2020 01:41 PM
04-09-2020 01:41 PM
(((((((((HUGS))))))))) @greenpea xxx
04-09-2020 04:05 PM
04-09-2020 04:05 PM
Thanks for replying. I first got sick when I was 19. I recovered but it took about 4 yrs everything was fine until I got sick again 6 yrs ago. I have never fully recovered. While I am not psychotic my mood goes good and bad periodically. I was just wondering how people experience the psychotic side of things as I get obsessive with ideas and am always having arguments with people in my head but I do not experience external voices so I dont know if this is something just normal or if its part of illness. It would be interesting to find out what other people experience so I could better understand things
04-09-2020 10:38 PM
04-09-2020 10:38 PM
I hear you with your struggles with schizoaffective disorder and the struggles with depression.
It takes time and patience in the road to recovery and it may take years before you start to feel well and confident in yourself again.
When I was discharged from hospital with the same diagnosis I was lost and didn't want to work at the time.
After a couple of years I started volunteering and that then led to been confident enough to go back to paid work as a casual.
7 years on I was working, involved in community groups and whilst I had my own challenges many times I was encouraged by my mental health team to have strategies when I have Bad days and have a plan in place to assist me and give me insights into my behaviour so I can best navigate out of a bad day before COVID-19.
I hope you have some supports like a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you navigate through your recovery. What does depression look like for you and do you have any strategies to help you. Are there any activities that help you like listening to music or watching tv or wrapping yourself in a blanket?
04-09-2020 10:48 PM
04-09-2020 10:48 PM
hi there
Thanks for your support
i have called hotlines tonight for support as i am feeling vulnerable. But im taking their advice by doing tasks with hands even just writing coping statements or drawing.
Take each moment as now and dont think about future just practice mindfulness.
Thanks for telling me about some of your journey that gives me hope.
I am trying to get used to new anti depressant but side affects are really uncomfortable i called hospital they said to stay busy and distract myself from my thoughts and speak to doctor on monday. Feeling slightly more at ease after those phonecalls.
04-09-2020 10:57 PM
04-09-2020 10:57 PM
Hi @Misty99
Thinking of you hun. Good on you for reaching out to the support line. I'm glad it helped. I'm sorry it's a rough night/time hun.
Here you are ever alone.
If you put @ before our names it will tag us and we will get a notification that you have posted. X
12-09-2020 08:52 PM
12-09-2020 08:52 PM
Misty99 I also have this disorder and the depression side of the illness is a real drain on my emotional and physical strength it may be for you as well. The schizoid aspect is a bit of a worry at times, a genuine concern to me and others. I've been diagnosed for over 15 years ; with a effective medications I'm still alive. Life is not easy or simple. Everything is a phycotic trigger and unfortunately the meds ware off to quickly.As to working whilst affected with meds and the actual symptoms of the disorder it's a juggling act but rewarding. Self worth is important as depression in regards to the disorder is a major factor in living with a schizoaffective disorder. Knowing when you've had enough of the symptoms and just need to rest is a great "time out". Make the most out of life Misty99. This particular disorder is dangerous when unmedicated. Stay on your medication, it helps.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.