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Re: New challenge

Dear @kenny66


Its time like this when I wish I could hop on a plane and sit with you in hospital.

Let you talk, probably play my music where you will (when I turn my back) make sure your own cds are plugged in.

Its time like this when I  could call you and tell you how long we have plugged on at Sane forums.

Im here for you my friend,

Love Anne xx

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Re: New challenge

Hi @kenny66

I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. It sounds terrifying but you seem to be handling it really well, I dont think there is any easy way to go through something like this. I do think it might be good to tell your friends/family about it before surgery, because they might need some time to get through the shock of it as well and organise to be able to be there for you in hospital, which you deserve! But thats just what i think, you know yourself and your mates best,

take care, 


Re: New challenge

Hi @kenny66


Just checking in on how you're going. Thinking of you!



Re: New challenge

Dear @kenny66


Thinking about you, 

Love Anne 



Re: New challenge

Dear @kenny66

You're attitude to both your health issues are stoic, courageous and impressive. Sometimes a section of bowel can be removed and people live for decades after it. We will be waiting to hear from you and best wirshes.


Re: New challenge

I am sitting in a hospital 2000 km from where i live waiting to have my operation tomorrow morning. I am a little frightend but probably wont be when i get to the operating room because they knock you out. I think my prognosis is not the best but i hope i beat the odds. Looking forward to posting again when i am well. All the best to everyone

Re: New challenge

Fingers crossed doesnt hold much sway in this world of statistics .. but hope you bear up .. you are probably very experienced with strategies for coping. Great to hear from you.

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Re: New challenge

Good luck!! hope that surgery goes smoothly and the recovery is quick!


Re: New challenge

Dearest @kenny66

Thinking about you. I'm Sending you beams of like/love colours.
Thanks for posting
Please write soon,

Re: New challenge

Good Luck @kenny66,


my thoughts will be with you tomorrow for your operation, your positive outlook is so inspirational.


Take care, best wishes

