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Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Was it a surprise from Mr Shaz @Shaz51 ? I would be most surprised if Mr D produced something the night before.

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

@Former-Member  thinking of you and trust yesterday's building inspection went ok. 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Early indications positive @Determined but need to wait for official word. 

Not applicable

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Feeling overwhelmed.  I feel ashamed. Went out to do some sorting in the shed. Mr Darcy asking about anything and everything, wanting to move things and there is no place to put them or move them to. We are having trouble moving around things as everything has again been dumped randomly.  I got angry. 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Was it a surprise from Mr Shaz @Shaz51 ? it was @Former-Member  i thought he was still in the shed xx

ohhhhhhhh @Former-Member are you ok xoxo

here for you xx

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Think I have been feeling quite on edge while house sale still "subject to" @Shaz51 and Mr Darcy's blood levels a bit high.

Apologised to  Mr Darcy, he was very kind so all good on that front.  

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Mr Darcy's blood levels a bit high.@ @Former-Member  ??? xxxx

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Some psych drugs need regular monitoring of a number of parameters. Depending on the med this can include drug concentration levels, kidney function, blood sugars, cholesterol, kidney, thyroid and renal function as well as having regular weigh ins, blood pressure and ECGs.

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

soo ho is things @Former-Member 

mr shaz has high cholesterol,becuse of the ongoing meds xxx

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

4 tests are abnormal @Shaz51 . His cholesterol is high, seems to be steadily on the way down with healthy eating, weight loss and dose tapering of one med.