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Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

I think you are totally right there @Former-Member , seems like it is always in the back of your mind

my step D1 saw her dad do his first one and even now she will text me to say how is dad going ( as I myself have seen mr shaz do it twice )

I sometimes think you really never get over it

what do you think @Ali11 , @Former-Member ????

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

I guess I don't see it as something to get over @Shaz51 ,  I feel I need to acknowledge my emotions around it.  It is the reality we face loving someone with major MI. I don't want to live in fear but also know I can't bury my head in the sand either@Shaz51. Being alert but not alarmed ...

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

very true @Former-Member and I think it gives us an early insight too to say " are you Ok "

Being alert but not alarmed-- yes , it has been 4 years now since mr shaz has been in hospital xxxx

love our Twins Heart

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

@Shaz51  I agree with @Former-Member  in aleart not alarmed. 

2 occasions particually for us could have seen very different outcomes.

One I was supposed to be out of town but stayed home just in case. 

The last time I thought space would be helpful so went and hid in the shed. Shortly after one of the children came looking for me because 'mummy needs help' 

Guilt and what if for me make it very hard not to overact through  worry when things appear unstable. 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

We can see what you are saying @Shaz51, expressing normal emotions such as sadness and anger can be somewhat triggering for loved ones as it may be easy to misunderstand to be the start of another low or bad spiral. Do you think you know MrShaz's regular behaviour that you could identify what is just being sad or the start of another low? 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

@Ali11 wrote:

We can see what you are saying @Shaz51expressing normal emotions such as sadness and anger can be somewhat triggering for loved ones as it may be easy to misunderstand to be the start of another low or bad spiral

I agree @Ali11  kind of what I wanted to say but didn't know how. 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

yes thank you @Determined , @Former-Member , @Ali11 

hugs  @Determined xxx for your children to know when their mum needs help Heart

mr shaz seems ok today , but me , my body is aching soooo much

mr shaz has brought me a present for my birthday tomorrow , ( the first one ever the night before )

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

It was not hard to see she needed help @Shaz51 She had done something incredibly stupid and was very ill and required an emergency admission and 12 hours of observation connected to an ecg). Somewhat traumatic for the children. (Or perhaps it was the drive to town that was traumatic lol. In hindsight an ambulance would have been a better option but I figured I could get there sooner... was not a slow trip to town). 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Happy birthday for tomorrow. Nice of Mr shaz to treat you.



Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

thank you @Determined , he has spoilt me tonight , but he is falling a sleep now xxxx