Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
21-06-2022 10:51 AM - edited 21-06-2022 10:54 AM
21-06-2022 10:51 AM - edited 21-06-2022 10:54 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone, if I didn’t already.
Wanderer, I only remember a feeling that causes me to know what happened. My Brother remembers what happened.
I don’t have to test for reality thankfully. Reoccurrence is a required symptom for C/PTSD.
There's something there which is a big disturbance, and it could be part of the failed child that is best off pushed down and forgotten.
It’s funny to say something like that which sounds like it’s from a TV show, but is real 😄
You have pretty much confirmed what I see coming with NDIS or DSP if I want to fight that fight.
Still, for 3 months, I am in total control, and I must adult. I don’t see any reason why I can’t.
That’s just my situation without any judgement on anyone who can’t adult. There will be a time soon enough when I can’t adult.
Now, is the “S” in Si, a coded way of saying the last action one could take? I saw it in another thread.
It’s most certainly not an allusion to anything going on with me.
22-06-2022 11:53 AM
22-06-2022 11:53 AM
@FakePerson, I definitely relate to a lot of what you are saying.
I have C-PTSD, was hospitalized at the end of last year, and was advised by a Centrelink psychologist (and later by Centrelink Social Workers) to apply for DSP. I also wanted an impartial / clarifying diagnosis, so I got a psychiatrist appointment.
I had real problems with this appointment, as it was basically a rewrite of the hospital discharge papers he'd wanted to see prior to my appointment, and he made his diagnosis before he'd asked me a single question. My main issue is that what he said in the letter to my GP is *not* a reflection of the actual appointment — he changed the diagnosis, basically made up lines of questioning that he didn't actually undertake — and recommended treatment that my GP can't actually make a referral for, and of course psych drugs.
I don't think my GP understands why I wouldn't want to take the medications he suggested: I don't want to have to deal with the psychiatrist again (for medication review), so I feel this makes me look "resistant to treatment," and I don't think they'll support my DSP application because without taking the psych drugs the psychiatrist precribed, I'm not "fully treated."
After a Mutual Obligations suspension, my mental health has deteriorated in having to deal with my DES. I don't know that I have the energy to pursue another psychiatrist referral. At this point I hope never to deal with that system again.
A couple of thoughts: if you are on DES, you can change providers up to 5 times. I don't think any are actually helpful, but you can fluke a decent "job coach." The other is that while a DSP application is in process, your Mutual Obligations are suspended. It's so difficult now to get DSP for similar conditions, but I'm considering lodging an application just for the respite from dealing with Mutual Obligations.
In any case, I get it: it's demoralising and unhelpful. Good luck to you, and to me as well!
22-06-2022 04:02 PM - edited 22-06-2022 04:05 PM
22-06-2022 04:02 PM - edited 22-06-2022 04:05 PM
@DefGif ,
Yep. My GP that has dealt with this made no promises, but implied by saying:
“You’d usually be kept on a certificate while doing treatment until the condition has stabilised”.
At the time Dr wrote my last certificate, I was following the program of physiology, and it was my own idea to be referred to an NDIS provider.
If I followed the understanding, I believe Dr would keep writing certificates if possible.
It was me who has changed behaviour etc. to change the understanding ... Maybe things will be ok, but I cannot assume the next certificate.
22-06-2022 06:02 PM
22-06-2022 06:02 PM
My gp has written me 3 certificates for centrelink so far and has suggested I apply for DSP. I have PTSD, BPD?, depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. I know the nightmare it was for my step dad to get his DSP approved…
22-06-2022 06:53 PM
22-06-2022 06:53 PM
Good luck with it.
When I last left the GP, she did say she believes most people like me become worse when placed on DSP.
I can’t paint the Dr black so I want to strongly address that opinion.
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Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.