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Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita.  It doesn't feel like it yet.  Have to do some serious leg-work this week.  I've had my plan for a month, had PHaMs cancelled, and have no new support workers yet.  And a bunch of appointments coming up that I'll need help with.  Went to the dental clinic yesterday and they are going to give me new dentures (the good news) but it will take 6 appointments over 2 months to do it.  Crazy!

So yesterday I had some ptsd stuff come up because of the dental ap't (bit of a story there but I'm not up for telling it atm) and today I had huge anxiety and a big cry, mostly about the immediate future. 

Seeing both psychologist and psychiatrist on Wednesday - just as well, I think I need it.


Not applicable

Re: A long rave

Ok. I probably wasn’t around then @PeppiPatty Maybe I am still a youngen.

Mostly acoustic & really depressing artists at the moment because I have been a bit sooky... I like pop/rnb not into heavy metal, hate techno, Eminem I used to play quite a bit, not lately 

Re: A long rave

@eth, hugs again for the stress you are feeling. Heart

Great that you have the psychiatrist and psychologist appointments this week. Hopefully there will be a moment in the near future when you feel more in control of your own program, and the pace at which it all goes.

Re: A long rave

Hi everyone

Re: A long rave

Hi guys

Re: A long rave

Hi @The-red-centaur. How are things tonight?

Re: A long rave

Hi @The-red-centaur

@PeppiPatty @Former-Member @Mazarita @Exoplanet @outlander   and everyone

@eth My son is super cautious about driving so mostly I feel pretty safe.  We have been doing lessons on and off over 3 years but he had a big break after his last episode.  He is happier driving his dad's automatic, but has decided to figure out my manual. I am glad he has not given up.  We just chip away at it. He is pretty fine with public transport too.

Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear not good

Re: A long rave

That is good to hear @Appleblossom

Re: A long rave

How are you today? @outlander

He was so put off kids when he was at school .. he kinda detached from all the typical rites of passage ... as so many guys totally identify with cars and driving it has been interesting.  He is unique my boy.  Heart