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Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hey @Sans911, HOW ARE YOU?

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@Former-Member I'm not great, but Im living moment for now. I saw from your threads that you have had a terrible, overwhelming day. It's really hard when you have someone you love who doesn't support or understand you. Often they are frightened by what is happening with you. But that does not a key any easier.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I'm not worried about me. What's done is done, just have to move forward.

I was just worried about you and even though you are going through so much at the moment, I just wanted you to know that I'm here in forum land, just like you you have been there for me since I joined this forum HeartHeart 

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@Former-Member let's put this behind us now, and not discuss it anymore. Misunderstanding, triggering and unintentional hurts happens a fair bit on these forums. We both are on difficult journeys. I would still like to support you if you want that. Up to recently, it's been worthwhile and I hope you have felt the same, and would like that to continue. I'll be around, whenever you want me to be; just tag me and I'll respond as soon as I can. Weekends are when I sometimes disappear from the forums a bit as they seem to be the worst part of the week for me.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlanderI agree with @Sans911 about mentioning to the doctors and nurses how anxious/nervous you are.

Also, can you access this forum on your phone? You should be able to have your phone with you right up until you go in and afterwards too. That way if you need to connect and speak to someone on here to help you, I'm sure one of us will be around.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

The directions ive been given by my gp are:
have a shower before hand so the area is clean.
Keep the area dry for as long as it takes to heal- im gathering sutures esp considering the size and area she showed me she wants to remove.
Come to the appointment 15 minutes early so that I can get set up whatever that means.....??

I can listen to music before and after in my car but I wont be able to when I get there because when I walk in its all happening so ive been told.
No one can be there with me. Ill have my gp and a nurse in there assisting as well on the day.
I have no one anyway.

Im trying to keep thinking that this all just a precaution and it could be good news.
The thing thats really got my hyped up about it though is shes pointed out why she thinks it is a melanoma
1. its growing in both width and height
2. its getting more red aroud the outside
3. its not symetrical there are 2 few shaped 'flicks' on it directioning outdwards. 3 more and itll look like a strange star.

My gp knows how nervous I am. Ive told her twice now and she already knows. It took me 4 months to get a blood test because of my fears. So shes well aware.
And yeah I can access the forums from my phone. I have the app and can access it via normal internet as well. I will more than likely check in and out as I can but I might not have much contact through it if any at all


@Sans911@Former-Member and everyone

hugs to you both as well. ive been keeping an eye on both your threads HeartHeart

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander I've been trying to 'hide' my own thread from you since I started it. I can't stop you from reading it, but I wanted to protect you from what I'm going through as you had enough on your plate. But I needed support for myself too. This is what I'm like in real life tas well. There is really no one that really knows how bad things are, and I'm even hiding things from my case manager right now to avoid being admitted to hospital.

A lot of what will happen on Tuesday is both precautionary & to remove the lesion as it is. Often if they get it early enough, that's all they need to do. They will of course send it off for analysis, which is where the long wait comes in.

They do need prep time for you to sign consent papers as it's a procedure, and for setting up the equipment needed plus preparing the site. They give you a local anaesthetic to numb the area, so you shouldn't feel much at all. Once they removed the lesion you'll have sutures they will need to be taken out in 7-10 days usually, so that will probably happen on your follow up appt.

Try to hold onto the thought that you are doing everything right to get this sorted, and whatever happens will hopefully be a good outcome. Your GP is only going on her experience, as did mine. In a way, that is a good thing. She is proactive and sensible and doing everything to take care of you. If you can, down load a mindfulness app on your phone to listen to just before you go into the surgery. There are good ones like Smiling Mind & Headspace.

For now, just focus on getting through the next steps. Try not to look too far ahead. So focus particularly on self care. Sleep, eating, showering, drinking water

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Oh sis im sorry, do you want me to unfollow it? I dont want you to restrain what you say because of me. You need and deserve support just as much as anyone else here. I wanted to show my support for you when your thread popped up, I had a feeling you were hiding it as you never tagged me nor meantioned it. I was actually really hesitant in responding because of it but I want you to be comfortable with being here.  @Sans911
If you want to go back to when you were just communicating on my thread in our wombat hole thats fine too. You being uncomfortable or hesitant to write because of me is the last thing I want ok

do you know roughly how long the wait will be to get the results back?
They dont want a biopsy they want the entire thing taken out, not sure if that makes much of a difference or not.
Ive had sutures before but not in this place only 2 of them though. I didnt feel much except for slight tugging. But apparently the back area has less nerve ending so dont hurt as much.

Well I cant do much else except wait which I think really is the worst part hmm sutures really arent comfrotable either and I had quite a bit of pain with the last ones I had. Ive got both headspace and smiling mind already on my phone. I dont really use them that much though.
I tend to just breathe through it all.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander - I have written on my thread again today in response to Cheerbear, and no, I'm not going to hold back just because you know about it. It's my little corner of the forum to feel safe expressing myself, much like you and other forum members do the same. I probably just post there a lot less than others. And in some ways, it's good that you know how much I'm struggling too. I might be older, my experiences, traumas and troubles different, but our experiences of MI have many similarities.

Taking out the entire lesion is routine; better done in one go then coming back. It's strange that they don't want a biopsy, but maybe I don't have all the facts. Anyway whatever they're looking at takes about 7 to 10 days. So you'll probably go back, get the results and have the sutures out at the same time. Yes, the sutures might be a bit uncomfortable. Nothing wrong with taking some Paracetamol to ease the discomfort.

Let's just keep thinking good thoughts about this lil Sis. I know I am thinking that this is just a scary hiccup, but you are young, strong and healthy and can weather this little storm

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I am so happy I could do something that's positive for you to look at & maybe take your mind of the negative while you wait. If you suffer, so do I as that's how much I care! 🙂