Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
11-08-2023 09:20 AM
11-08-2023 09:20 AM
wanted to check in with you all today, here are the questions from the original that you can answer
1) How are you feeling? You can use a scale of 1-10 (1= really bad , 10= really good), if you would like to.
2) What is one thing you have struggled with, and one thing you have done well?
3) What is one nice thing you can do for yourself today?
morning @Appleblossom , @Tinker67 , @Tyrone , @LizzieLou , @Jaxta , @BPDSurvivor , @Determined , @Smc @Nashagirl75 @Scoo @Carlo , @timtam00 , @Frankly2 @Trifle79 , @Boo13 @Chameleon1 @Shasan , @Romeo @Miley1 @Former-Member @Joonbug @tired_sisyphus @Leeanne @Mumsy21 @Faith-and-Hope @ExhaustedCarer @maddison @BPDFamilymember @Emily82 @Jess1111 @Jake63 @Emmylou @Former-Member @ClareBear
11-08-2023 09:30 AM
11-08-2023 09:30 AM
and to all our awesome Peer support workers
@tyme , @Former-Member , @Paperdaisy , @Jynx , @hanami , @amber22 , @fluffylight
I know I have missed many more
11-08-2023 09:30 AM
11-08-2023 09:30 AM
Hello @Shaz51!
What an awesome idea this is! Happy to participate.
1) This morning I am feeling pretty good. Considering that for the past month I have really been struggling with my depression -- I still continue to have good days and bad days with it. But hey, that is life. I am thinking I am an 8 this morning.
2) One thing I have struggled with is giving up my caffeine intake - it is causing me some major problems. But even though I am having issues with my caffeine intake I am having some small wins with respect to giving it up. One thing that I have done well lately is I have started to do some more very hard work on the editing of my novel -- after maybe a years worth of writing and researching I am finally getting around to the editing of my novel.
3) For some reason I think this will involve food, however I cannot be more specific than that. I am thinking of making something very nutritious for dinner tonight but I do not know what I should make. Shaz, maybe you have some great food ideas for me!
11-08-2023 09:40 AM
11-08-2023 09:40 AM
Hello @Jake63
ohhh that is great today is a good day , enjoy my friend
am finally getting around to the editing of my novel.--- this is soo good , soo happy for you
caffeine intake , how many do you have a day now
I love my coffee , but my intake depends on what kind of day i am having
Like i have the day off today and i have had 2 coffees already ( been awake since 4am )
Dinner ideas , ammm what have you got handy in the freezer or fridge or cupboard
11-08-2023 09:51 AM
11-08-2023 09:51 AM
I usually only have one cup of coffee per day. But it is causing some issues that I don't think I am at liberty to discuss on the forums! I've spoke to my GP about it and she said that I have a very high sensitivity to caffeine. I have even tried decaf and not having any luck with it either!
11-08-2023 09:55 AM
11-08-2023 09:55 AM
better not have any @Jake63 , not worth it as it is causing me problems too and i am not really into cups of tea but should try
cloudy and cool up here today
11-08-2023 12:25 PM
11-08-2023 12:25 PM
Hi @Shaz51
thanks for tagging me 🙂
im going pretty well.
struggled with prioritising me when making new relationships, did well to get good sleep in general
today ill make sure I walk close to an hour and do something relaxing in the mall
hope you guys are going well xx
11-08-2023 07:42 PM
11-08-2023 07:42 PM
R U OK @Krishna
Am here if you want to chat
13-08-2023 10:05 PM
13-08-2023 10:05 PM
I am doing fine today thanks
No Black dog today just a stupid cold.
27-08-2023 10:02 PM
27-08-2023 10:02 PM
@Shaz51 sorry I haven't been on for a while!
Feeling pretty good today!
I'm struggling with making boundaries but under the advice from my therapist to do something for myself.... I walked out of therapy and rang a friend and then we ended up visiting friends in Canberra all weekend. So grateful to have friends who drop what they're doing to support me, take me in and proud of myself for asking Mr STPD for the weekend off parenting.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
Get In Touch With Us
We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.