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Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Appleblossom and @Hope4me,

Thanks for your replies, it's great to get feedback. We definitely agree on the benefits of narrative therapy! As you know we don’t “do” therapy/have therapy sessions in the forums, but definitely encourage people to use techniques they find helpful here.


From what we have understood from you, there does seem to be a gap in exploring story telling/narratives and having more options for chat style discussions. Have we understood that right? We want to work on how to bridge that gap together with ideas outside of the journal threads.


The reason we struggled with the idea of named journal threads was that when we looked at the benefits and the risks – for us the risks outweighed the benefits….

Reading back on this thread, we apologise as we only explored the one reason of rumination, however there is a bit more to it. Thinking about the context of our forum space, we have to keep the whole community and its dynamics in mind - our service is different to other services that work one-on-one. That community focus is one of the reasons that SANE doesn’t actually encourage ‘journal’ threads. Another is that it implies a sense of thread ownership and that’s also not really what the Forums are about. The risks and benefits we are weighed up are:

Benefits: narrative therapy techniques can be used, clearer labelling of what these threads are; meet the need for chat-style discussions away from “meatier” threads (is there more here we are missed?)

Risks: rumination for member and those reading; not as inclusive for all members (implied “ownership” of threads); not community focused (lends itself to one-on-one convos); sense of hierarchy – who can have a thread and who doesn’t?

Other considerations: narrative therapy techniques could still be engaged in other ways that’s more community focused/inclusive; could you (or we could) set up more threads/opportunities to “chat” in the Social Spaces


Question for you guys: Considering what we have flagged as the risks above, is there any compromise that you can suggest? Is there another option for resolving this?


The way everyone shares their stories in the forum is great and we do want to continue to encourage that! Would anyone be up for starting a thread about narrative therapy and how people can utilise it - share thoughts about it and look at its coping strategies?


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Former-Member and @Appleblossom 

This discussion has probably gone a tad away from my original topic; that chat style conversation in the middle of a MH issue thread; 1. may put off new members from joining in (like walking in on a group at a party) and; 2. might redirect conversation away from its creator's objective and off topic.


My reason for suggesting a 'section' for personal threads was because some already exist; eg. Tabaluga's. Some have also morphed into more individual day-to-day-life content. This section I feel, would help new members distinguish between established friendships and MH topics of concern.


Obviously this isn't an exact science so to speak, and sorting through existing active threads to discover which ones qualify would be quite a task. It might be more productive to ask regular members which threads they identify with in this respect.


On the topic of narratives, telling our story/s is one amazing benefit of the forums. Getting them out of our heads and onto the page is of great value as we know. As the thread evolves, some rumination may occur due to triggers etc, but if this turns into an 'obsession', intervention may be needed.


I guess this brings up the issue of responsibility and accountablity of members, guides, elders and mod's. Gently approaching a member exhibiting 'negative' rumination within their posts, could work to keep it from escalating. Reporting the poster if it's beyond members' ability is the next step.


These processes are basically in place already. Personally, I don't feel it's relevant to focus on whether it's a therapy option or not. The point is to write, be heard/acknowledged and validated by our peers and those we look up to. Sometimes labels and the what-if's can get in the way of a simple concept.


The way I interpret ruminating is 1. negative - dwelling on past pain and events which upsets current emotional balance and; 2. positive - delving into ideas for a good future with focus on recovery.


I'm not sure whether my points are helpful as I'm probably a bit confused by it all. Let's see how we go. 🤞 👵 Thanks for listening...

Hope Heart

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.


Thank you. That was helpful to learn about your decision making process.

I might be able to start a thread like that, but I would need to think about it first and not for a couple of days.  I suspect I encouraged a few of the sane mods to look at narative therapy as it was not as well known as the major modalities coming from Uk europe and the states.  Nice to have a well respected home grown therapy from Adelaide.

Smiley Happy

In earlier days I started off threads like art therapy and was more into ideas, that the average poster who was talking more about private feelings and their stories.  Though I did get a lot from telling my story.


I get your point about newcomers sifting through the various active threads and being unsure how to enter threads where others have a relaxed relationship based on a lot of time or sharing.

Some members are great at tagging others to include them in well established threads.  For  couple of years I would scour the boards, respond to all people who had posted and draw newcomers in to conversation and relaxed chatty threads.  I simply cannot keep that up as volunteer work any  more.  I am also glad to see more and more people doing it as part of their own way of being on the forums.


It is important not to be too prescriptive about what and how to post, as there is enough concern with people keeping within guidelines as it is.


I personally have an issue with labelling "negative and/or positive" descriptions of posts, or feelings or life events.  My understanding is that there are far more positions than simply negative and positive.  It is also very tricky to tell people off for being negative when they feel the only place they can be authentic and tell the story as it is ... is here... especially when it is a sad story.  There are enough social sanctions and requirements to be cheery in the real world.  It is hard to know how to encourage someone who is persistlently sad or discouraged or angry to shift their perspective.  I have already tried that in a lot of different ways.  It takes a lot of skill and we need to be careful not alienate a person who is going through difficult times.

Sometimes these issues are taken up in the topic Tuesdays which is great, but not a night I am free.  Also it is a fixed period discussion where as the long term openness of a thread has its benefits.


@Hope4me   I love your energy and enthusiasm. It is great to discuss these things out in the open.

I will tag a few more people in and see what they have to say.  Maybe you @Former-Member  could tag more recent arrivals to the forum .... ?

Off the top of my head

@Sophia1 @Faith-and-Hope @Teej @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Jacques @eth  @Queenie @outlander @Sans911 @MDT 


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Former-Member @Hope4me @Appleblossom and all here

I havent had time to read the entire thread but have abit of an idea of whats happening.

Just an idea to throw out there- instead of creating a journal based thread section what about a long term thread section? Or something similar in name where after a thread has been running for a certain amount of time eg 2 or 3 months or have a certain amount of replies have that thread changed to that section that way the newer threads are more clear or the threads with less replies are more visible

Hopefully im not to far off track here

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hello @Former-Member @Appleblossom @outlander @Hope4me 


Thank you for tagging me @Appleblossom  as you are aware that I am not on here that often and tend to stick to the one thread where possible as a part of my self care and looking after my personal boundaries...This has mostly come about due to what is happening in my real world...I have also pulled back due to feeling ill at ease at times on the forums..


I think that you have all raised valid points...

Most of you know me for my epic responses...might be seem by some as narrative in some instances ...however responding to the points of the post/s I am responding way of offering support in my own style...


I agree wholeheartedly with @Appleblossom  that it is not helpful to use the terms positive and having negative thoughts  are a natural reaction to some circumstances and are in fact healthy to express them rather than bury them or dismiss them..

I believe that these forums must maintain at all times inclusivity for all members...

I believe that all members must also be mindful of this if they are in a well enough state of mind.

This last point is that there are some people who are experiencing horrific symptoms and this is their only outlet for release..they must not have an added fear of responding in a certain style or certain area ..this needs to be addressed delicately ...I believe by a community manager...the guides could provide feedback to the community manager..


We are all people with lived experience of some kind...

We must be careful not to introduce a military style approach or empower members to trail others..

I also do not like the reference "ruminating" no offence intended to whoever used the phrase...

again we must all also be mindful of language....again allowing inclusivity..


There are also occasions where some people can only express a few words....these people must be allowed to feel included not redirected..

Some people are at times only able to respond in what would come across as "negative or repetitive" to some...this could be a symptom of their diagnosis/diagnoses..

We cannot judge people for this...

A difficult situation...

Something does need to change though as I have felt for some time that many people are not comfortable in responding to all threads for whatever reason..

The forums are expanding rapidly...


@outlander brought up the subject of long term threads where the content or subject matter has changed over a long period of time....these are important and would fit better in a long term outlander suggested..

basic chat threads could also be in a different section..


It is very confusing for new members who are already in a state of understand the headings of all of these threads..

Can some that have not had responses for what Sane would consider a reasonable..fair time be archived or moved to a safe place?

Too many options creates more anxiety...panic..and exclusion for me..

I currently feel safest on one thread and am unable to read back where people are at....this is not because I believe that particular thread is will this work moving forward?


The term narrative infers to me that the person is telling their story...

how will it flow?

next person responds ...acknowledging concerns etc...

some people only respond with their own narratives...

how will that work..?

will the thread have a specific title?

example:  depression....covers a myriad of circumstances..


I am wondering clean up of existing threads at same time....just by relabelling the thread..moving long term threads to a specific area...introduce specific chat areas..

lastly should someone not respond in the style that suits the particular thread...bear in mind the content of how the person has responded...

Respect and acceptance is paramount..

I hope that this is taken as it is intended..


Please also be mindful if anyone feels offended that I have already mentioned...I am not in the best of health and have too much happening hence self care be able to respond in a way that appeals to all...nor should I need to..


I for one would not continue using the forums if they became too regimental...


Thank you @Former-Member 

To be included in speaking up about ongoing need for improvement is a valuable part of the purpose of these forums..






Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

well @Appleblossom @outlander @Hope4me @Former-Member 


I read back over the pages and lo and behold to my surprise I had already responded.!!


A classic example of where my mind is at and the current overload...


A faux pas that might even add to the consideration of all situations ....

remembering that this type of expression is not supported by the ability to observe..hear..or read between the lines..



Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi everyone .....


When I first arrived on the forums I posted my concerns under Something’s Not Right on the Carers Forum, because that is where it appeared to belong at the time, and I was anticipating that other families dealing with eating disorders would contribute to that thread along with me as I tried to find intervention and support for my husband, myself and our family.  That didn’t happen in the way I expected. 


Firstly there was and still is no real real option for intervention until our circumstances change dramatically in some form.  Secondly, there doesn’t seem to be many people arriving and staying with the subject of eating disorders - perhaps because they arrive with a diagnosis already in place and other support systems are available under the treatment process.


Secondly, we seem to have a personality disorder wrapped up in it all, and it seems most pd challenged people here are on the LE side of the forums, diagnosed and supported with treatment processes.


This means that my original post has become one of the “journals” being discussed here, and I think something that has been a bit problematic in one sense on the forums has been journal-type threads co-existing with information and community support type threads ..... and yet I am sure most here would agree with me that there is a real need for both.


Perhaps all journal-type threads need to be moved into the Our Stories discussion topic, even if they didn’t start out with that intent ?


Rathet than it being simply done - as in threads being rearranged under topic headings - it probably requires the sensitivity of the  members of the community being approached and asked about having their thread moved ?


What do you all think ?

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

@Former-Member @Appleblossom

I'm a bit unsure of what's happening 🤔

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Are we trying to figure out if it's okay to have dedicated threads for more frequent users?

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi again everyone;

I didn't think my initial enquiry would stir up such a broad discussion, some of which is upsetting to me. My interpretation of positive/negative rumination is mine alone. I'm not putting it on anyone else or expecting people to follow; it's expressing 'my' understanding of it which is an important step for me. Obsessive ruminating was at the core of my breakdown, so finding out there are ways of using it as an advantage was an eye opener. 


This is a peer supported forum and moderated for the safety of all concerned. As members we're not obligated in any way to be responsible for others, but we are responsible for what and how we write. If we support someone, we do it to the best of our ability for reasons like compassion, empathy or interest. That's bloody amazing!


If members choose not to engage on other threads, that's fine too. Who's to judge? Not me. (Btw Sophia, thank you for your candid disclosure, it helps me understand you better. I wish you all the best with what you're currently going through too.)


I just want to add that as non-professionals we may struggle time to time, even the most experienced of us, with finding the right 'language' to express our thoughts. I've probably misinterpreted things that've been said on this thread and mine may have been with others. Sadly, it's triggered me a bit; I don't have a good track record with groups.


I hope we can find a commonality between us to see the forest from the trees to move forward. I'm grateful for all your contributions and passion re this topic and our wonderful forum community.



Hope Heart


@Appleblossom @Former-Member @Sophia1 @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @MDT 

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