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Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi management, mod's and members;

Since joining I've noticed that threads originally dedicated to specific issues have morphed into long running threads about the creator's life or connections with other members. Would you consider them 'journal' threads; a place to voice personal concerns, chat with others or as a daily digest? I have a thread like this I turn to sometimes to talk about what's happening in my world.


I'm wondering if a new section could be created to keep personal journals in. Maybe once they've reached a certain amount of posts, they could be placed there so new members know what they are. I came across quite a few of these when I first joined and felt a little isolated to be honest. 


Also, on a Mental Health Forum in the UK, they have a Discussion section so controversial or interesting topics can be discussed. I think it's a good idea as many of Sane's threads are very personal in nature. Finding one that's only dedicated to theory/opinion is a trial and error process. I like talking about techniques in treatment or problems with Centrelink for instance. Having a section dedicated to this would make threads easier to source.


These are just my thoughts. I hope interested members will give their views on these suggestions as well.



Hope Heart



Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Hope4me,


I've forwared your feedback to our community managers. : )



Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Thanks @Former-Member

Much appreciated...

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

What a good idea to separate out personal and controversial threads. @Hope4me

I hope the managers take it seriously as feeling safe is ONE function that many people seek in this forum, but as people differ so do the things that they believe.

There are so many different positions re mental health issues, therapies, and meds etc

It would be good to keep journalling friendship threads separate from meatier topics, so that they can be fully addressed rather than discussion suppressed for fear of disturbing people.


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hey there @Hope4me and @Appleblossom,


Thanks so much for raising this idea, this feedback is certainly super helpful and I can definitely understand your perspective on an area specifically designated for both journal style threads, as well as the controversial topics. 


We're going to workshop the feedback on this end, we just need to review all aspects.


Will update you here next week. 🙂 

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Thanks @Former-MemberThe section on "whats new" is less personal but some of the controversies are ancient and beg questions about LIFE and modern medicalisation of life issues.

Perhaps a way of allowing for a DIVERSITY of opinions. There is certainly enough by MH professionals on the net.

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

- have a meeting about it

(x4 weeks)
- oops, its Christmas

(x4 weeks) Dec

- rebook meetingmeeting

(x4 weeks) Feb

- explore options

(x4 weeks) March
- meeting to decidedecide

(x4 weeks) April
- implement / maybe

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hey @Former-Member;

You aren't a govt worker by any chance? Red tape via - paint by numbers in triplicate followed by an email asking for confirmation their copy arrived and to send one back saying if they did or not and to CC all line managers? lol KISS theory indeed! Ha!


Thanks for your feedback @Appleblossom. I'm glad it struck a cord. 🙂 I like a meaty topic as well now and then. It could also be a place for people to scout and revamp older threads instead of starting new ones. 


Thankyou also @Former-Member for the speedy reply. I'm glad you feel it's worth looking at. I hope others find it interesting too. I'll keep an eye out for your feedback.

Hope Heart


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hey @Hope4me thanks so much for your patience, had a big chat about this with the team and it's actually a pretty decent point. We just need to figure out a couple of things and work out logistics, will follow up at a later date as it's quite a busy time of year. I know it's frustrating that there's no black and white feedback as yet but it is worth a bigger discussion and weighing up all the pros and cons. 

I will update you as soon as I have some concrete solutions regarding journal thread area's, thanks for your continuing patience. 😄 

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Would actually love to get the community's input on the discussion a little bit 🙂


Some of the concerns and questions that keep cropping up with the crew here are issues around the notion of rumination. Would it be beneficial to have a space where people purely go to journal style their thoughts, are there concerns over these threads escalating and becoming detrimental to members?

Or is the entirely new space a positive because it will enable the community to avoid such threads if they're not up for it?


I look forward to hearing other perspectives on the potential effects and outcomes of creating this space. Heart ta all!