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Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hello @Former-Member@Hope4me@Appleblossom@Former-Member


I think that this proposal by @Hope4me will help not only new forum members...also existing members during periods of confusion or more chaos in their lives...

I can see how it will be quite complicated to set up also..

There is definitely a need for chat style threads as this is one form of support for those who do not necessarily want to discuss their health issues...actually come here to escape their issues...

Then there are those people who want to gain information...join in on topics of interest...I believe these to be vital also..

Maintain a level of stimulation of the mind that some cannot be involved in out there in the real world..


Separating the styles provides a clearer...more transparent experience on here (I believe they refer to it as now) and a far more inclusive environment.

These forums often mirror real life interractions ..

The forums have grown extensively since I first started ..not only in members but also in threads..


It is vital also for the monitoring of new threads also making sure that every single person receives a response..

The act of seeking out these forums....courageously opening up ....feeling so vulnerable needs to be supported every time..

I do understand this is difficult to monitor..

However I believe that it is a vital part of what the forums stand for.

Respect...Support...Encourgement and feeling welcomed..


This is not a criticism at all ..

I came here to discuss a totally different matter and was delighted to find this subject..

Well done @Hope4me




Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

oops just realised posted under wrong heading...


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

I loved your post. @Sophia1



Maybe a new journalling/ chat section would encourage people who have not opened up much.  There is a difference to a thread that one person has solely for their ruminations and interests and more interactive threads.


It actually begs a question about rumination, which funnily I was prompted to think about in last session with pdoc. He told me to think moire about something, more as a sop as he was going away and he did not want to work on the issue I raised.


When is thinking the right thing to do, when is it ruminating and going over same ground but necessary and when is it unhelpful???


What do you think @Hope4me and all ...


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Firstly; I apologise @Former-Member for not responding to your post in early December. I'm happy to see issues I raised are not only being mulled over by your team, but members are open to it as well. Thankyou...


@Sophia1 - What a brilliant perspective! Points raised are highly applicable, interesting and very thought provoking. I want to go through your post again before I comment as I'm going out soon ok. Might log in again early evening. Woman Happy


@Appleblossom - As with Sophia, I'll comment more when I get back. Rumination is a big topic, especially for those affected by trauma. While I'm out, there's one thing you could ponder - the difference between over-thinking, and ruminating.


Power to us!

Hope Heart

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Ha ha @Hope4me

I have been pondering about thinking.  For a very long time. I am one of those people who dont need a computer for grammarly or synonyms, that just sprout out of my head like alfalfa.

I am upset with my pdoc as he gets too much money to sit in an airconditioned room and be with me for 20 minutes.  That is the system I am/ we are stuck with.

I have enabled too many overseas trips for people. I am less prepared to do so any more. That becomes a challenge I throw out.  It is not a question of money for me. its a question of access and abilty to make decisions, and blame etc and access to my biological daughter. When I did do all the dirty work and then some.




Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Appleblossom (Shout-outs to @Sophia1@Former-Member@Former-Member)

You wrote: 'I've been pondering about thinking

I had a bit of a giggle at this. Smiley Very Happy I must admit I've done the same...




Hope xo 

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Ha ha @Hope4me 


Glad you saw the funny side. I have to hold both serious and funny sides in mind and thats work.

I did most of my furious writing as part of under and postgrad coursework, so had a good excuse.

I also find NARRATIVE THERAPY useful for trauma processing.  It is a more recent approach and needs understanding beyond "ruminating".  After all the mother cow chews her cud or ruminates for a good reason.  Ruminants are mammals and we  do belong to that family.  


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi everyone!


We are really grateful for your feedback and insights on this subject. Also, thanks for your patience! We have been carefully reflecting on this idea within our team, considering the positives and negatives regarding launching something like this within the community.


An interesting discussion has emerged that is in line with what we as Community Managers consider a lot in our work - the notion of rumination. Whilst we understand the desire for this kind of thread area, it could result in having a fairly negative impact on members that are continuously revisiting various aspects of situations that are not always helpful; within each respective thread (you can read more about rumination here


We also understand the desire for a chat style like you mentioned Sophia1 however that’s a little outside the scope of our service as a forum. That kind of thread style can definitely happen in the social area.


A lot of this conversation comes down to managing threads when they have gone over a long period of time and they may have gone off topic. We really encourage members to start a new thread when the topic goes off track. This is something we still need to work on but in review having a journal section is not in line with the scope of the forums at this point in time.


If you have questions or concerns - feel free to email the forums team 🙂 (

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Good morning @Former-Member;


I'm really impressed this discussion was taken on board by your team and dealt with in this manner. Thankyou for the specific style of your feedback, I'm sure everyone will appreciate such an in-depth explanation.


I agree with points you've raised too Lauz. I think sometimes there's a tenuous line between focus on member's needs, that of the community as a whole and the forum mission statement and goals. Please pass on my thanks to the team for me.


Have a great day!


Hope Heart


(@Appleblossom @Sophia1 @Shaz51@Former-Member @Former-Member)

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi @Former-Member I checked your link

Tbh I think it is pretty superficial and does not address my point about the benefits of narrative therapy and how to balance that with rumination.  One does not want to leave oneself open to a casual criticism of rumination when one is thickening one's narrative and becoming more differentiated and authentic.

Smiley Happy